
Health Promotion Guidance: Nutritional Guidance for Children and Young People in Residential Care Settings

Health promotion guidance for children and young people in residential care settings

Annex B Further information and resources

Section 1

Gregory et al. National Diet and Nutrition Survey: Young People Aged 4-18 Years. London, The Stationery Office, 2000

Eating well for looked after children and young people (Caroline Walker Trust, 2001)

These guidelines set out practical and nutritional guidelines to help all those who care for children in residential homes and foster care understand more about eating well for this group. They also provides recommendations for linking food knowledge into care and the skills that young people will need when they become independent.

Care Commission Bulletin "Physical Health of Children and Young People in residential care"

Bulletin looking at how residential care homes, residential special schools and secure accommodation services are ensuring the physical health needs of children and young people looked after away from §home are being met.

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