
Health Promotion Guidance: Nutritional Guidance for Children and Young People in Residential Care Settings

Health promotion guidance for children and young people in residential care settings

Annex C Links to underlined titles in document

Section 1

Who Cares? Scotland Report - " It's no like one of those café places where you can order anything you want"
Bromley et al. The Scottish Health Survey 2008
Provides a detailed picture of the health of the Scottish population in private households and is designed to make a major contribution to the monitoring of health in Scotland. It is essential for the Scottish Government's forward planning, for identifying gaps in health services provision and for identifying which groups are at particular risk of future ill-health.

Sheehy et al. Survey of sugar intake among children in Scotland. Food Standards Agency, March 2008.

Bulletin - Food and Nutrition for Children and Young People in Residential Care: are services meeting the standards? (Care Commission, 2008).
This publication is about how residential care homes, residential special schools and secure accommodation services make sure that children and young people eat well.

Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001, replaced by Public Service Reform Act 2011

National Care Standards ( NCS)
NCS set out the standard of care that people can expect from any care services they use. They are written from the point of view of people who use care services. Published by Scottish Ministers, the standards cover every type of care service including Care Homes for Children and Young People and School Care Accommodation Services (includes both residential special schools and secure accommodation)

Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition (Scotland) Act 2007

Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2008

Healthy Eating in Schools - A guide to implementing the nutritional requirements for food and drink in schools (Scotland) Regulations 2008

Scottish Dietary Action Plan
Health improvement programme which sets out the various steps the key players can take on a voluntary basis to improve the Scottish diet.

Eating well for looked after children and young people (Caroline Walker Trust, 2001)
Nutritional and practical guidelines which encourage and enable healthy eating among looked after children and young people.

Caring about Health: Improving the health of looked after and accommodated children in Scotland (NHSScotland 2009)
National resource providing easy access to health information, sources of help and advice, and relevant websites. The pack includes medically related information on subjects such as diabetes, epilepsy and immunisation, as well as health promotion information on topics such as healthy eating, substance misuse and mental health.

United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (1989) Convention on the Rights of the Child, Geneva, United Nations. Link to guide providing advice for children and young people.

For Scotland's Children
Report of Action Team on Better Integrated Children's Services. Comprehensive document aimed at providing a more integrated approach to providing services to children.

Early Years and Early Intervention: A Joint Scottish Government and COSLA Policy Statement
This framework is about giving all our children the best start in life and the steps the Scottish Government, local partners and practitioners in early years services need to take to start us on that journey.

Getting it Right for Every Child
Getting it right for every child is a programme that aims to improve outcomes for all children and young people.

Healthy Eating, Active Living: An action plan to improve diet, increase physical activity and tackle obesity (2008-2011)
This paper outlines how the Scottish Government will use the resources identified in the recent Scottish Budget to improve the nation's diet, encourage greater physical activity and begin to establish a base for tackling obesity through both targeted interventions and by supporting us all in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Preventing Overweight and Obesity in Scotland: A Route Map Towards Healthy Weight.
The Route Map makes a long-term commitment (over 20 years) to tackling overweight and obesity, to help achieve a healthier Scotland and contribute towards sustainable economic growth.

Section 2

Who Cares? Scotland, McManus K. and Morrison E. (2010) "It's no like one of those café places where you can order anything you like - children and young people's views and experiences of food and nutrition in residential care."

Section 3

Healthy Eating in Schools - a guide to implementing the nutritional requirements for food and drink in schools (Scotland) Regulations 2008

Caring about Health: Improving the health of looked after and accommodated children in Scotland

Scottish Dental: National Dental Inspection Programme.
Information source for keeping track of the changes in the dental health of Scottish children. Also identifies trends and assists in planning future dental services.

Childsmile: NHS Scotland. Information on caring for your children's teeth and getting the best oral healthcare.

Section 4

The Looked After Children (Scotland) Regulations 2009

Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care.
Information about education and training courses

Caring about Health: Improving the health of looked after and accommodated children in Scotland

The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland.
Information on community training.

Catering for Change: Buying Food Sustainably in the Public Sector.
Guidance aimed at anyone who is involved in the procurement of food or catering services in the Scottish public sector.

Childsmile: NHSScotland

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