
Health and social care delivery plan: progress report

Progress report on the actions from the health and social care delivery plan, published in December 2016.

7 Conclusion

7.1 This progress report forms part of the commitment within the delivery plan to:

"…..continually assess whether the measures and approach being taken are appropriate and sufficient to secure our Vision."

7.2 As can be seen from this report, there are already many positive impacts, making a real difference to people's health and social care.

7.3 It is crucial that the delivery plan does not remain a simple statement of intent, but a continuing process of monitoring, challenge and review, throughout its five year delivery. As such, the initiatives and activities in the Delivery Plan continue to evolve. Building on the progress to date (set out in this report) and to ensure it aligns with the National Performance Framework[37], we will publish an updated Delivery Plan.

7.4 This will focus intent and sharpen activity, provide a further update on actions in progress, together with new initiatives that support our Programme for Government, our immediate priorities of Integration, Access and Mental Health, that support our vision for health and social care during the remaining lifetime of the delivery plan.



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