Health and social care delivery plan: progress report
Progress report on the actions from the health and social care delivery plan, published in December 2016.
9 Annex A - National Performance Framework
9.1 The following maps Delivery Plan's strategic aims of Better Health, Better Care and Better value to the National Performance Framework outcomes.
Strategic Aims and Delivery Plan
Better Health / Prevention and Early intervention - we live longer healthier lives
Public Health Improvement
Best Start
Realistic Medicine
Performance Framework - National Outcomes:
- We are Healthy and Active
- We grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potential
- We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered and resilient
- We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities wealth and power more equally
- We are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally
- We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, include and sustainable economy
- We respect protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination
- We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment
Better Care, Right Care, Right Place, Right Time
Health and Social Care Integration
Primary and Community Care
Secondary and Acute Care
Regional and National Plans
Performance Framework - National Outcomes:
- We are Healthy and Active
- We grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potential
- We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered and resilient
- We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities wealth and power more equally
- We are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally
- We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, include and sustainable economy
- We respect protect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination
- We are creative and our vibrant and diverse cultures are expressed and enjoyed widely
- We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment
Better Value, Sustainable Services and Better Use of Resources
Realistic Medicine
R&D Innovation and Digital
Leadership and Talent Management
Performance Framework - National Outcomes:
- We are Healthy and Active
- We grow up loved, safe and respected so that we realise our full potential
- We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered and resilient
- We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities wealth and power more equally
- We are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally
- We have a globally competitive, entrepreneurial, include and sustainable economy
- We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment
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