Health and social care - everyone matters pulse survey: national report 2020
Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care during the initial COVID-19 period.
Treatment at Work
This chapter explores staff opinion of how they are treated at work, initially looking at the iMatter components included in the Pulse Survey, before exploring key themes from the qualitative questions in more detail.
Two-thirds of staff score how they are treated as 'Strive & Celebrate'. However, both measures have declined by 6 points from iMatter 2019, indicating that the COVID-19 pandemic may have negatively impacted how some staff feel they have been treated.
Among staff answering the open question about their worries, 3% refer to how they have been treated at work. Comments often relate to inconsistency or unfairness in how staff are treated. Topics raised by staff include bullying or harassment that they, or their colleagues, feel they have experienced. Other aspects of treatment at work commented on by staff include a lack of empathy or respect from other staff.
Across the Geographic Boards, staff in NHS Shetland are most positive about how they are treated. Among the National Boards, NHS Education for Scotland staff are the most positive. When comparing to iMatter 2019 data the largest negative movements are in The State Hospital and NHS Golden Jubilee:
- "I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual at work"
- The State Hospital down 11 points in 2020 from 84 to 73.
- NHS Golden Jubilee down 9 points in 2020 from 82 to 73.
- "I am treated fairly and consistently at work"
- The State Hospital down 12 points in 2020 from 82 to 70.
- NHS Golden Jubilee down 10 points in 2020 from 81 to 71.
All Board level Pulse Survey data is provided in Appendix 10.
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