
Health & Social Care Information Sharing - A Strategic Framework 2014-2020

Information sharing, to meet the needs of people, practitioners and organisations, is

essential to support Scotland’s commitment to integrated, person-centred care,

across adult and children’s services. The focus of this Information Sharing Strategic Framework is on sharing information in support of people’s

interactions with care services.

ANNEX B - Information Sharing Board Maturity Model

Information Sharing Maturity Model
Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Description Initial Established Business Enabling Managed Optimised
Starting point. Processes are not usually documented. There are no, or only a few, process descriptions although there may be a general commitment to process development in the future The organisation will be able to demonstrate, that basic management practices have been established and that processes are developing. The organisation's business processes will be documented and standardised. There is likely to be ownership and an established group with responsibility for maintaining consistency and improvement of the business processes across the organisation. Chief Officers will be committed, engaged and proactively seeking out innovative ways to achieve goals. The organisation will focus on optimisation of its managed processes to take into account changing business needs and external factors. It will anticipate future capacity demands and capability requirements to meet delivery challenges.
Information management, including, Information Sharing Protocols and Guidance Chief officers are aware of the need to share information, but no data sharing partnership exists to implement changes. There is a desire to initiate data sharing protocols and information management arrangements and set up a network of partners. Business strategies and drivers have been identified Data Sharing Partnership exists and have gained the full support of the Chief Officers from Health and Local Authorities. Work has commenced on gathering the evidence for an Information Sharing Protocol and supporting information management documentation. The Data Sharing Partnership is established and all data sharing activities are co-ordinated through the partnership. Data sharing priorities for the partnership will be agreed and maintained. An Information Sharing Protocol and Privacy Impact Assessment will be documented and signed off by all partners and a roadmap will be developed. Data Sharing Partnership will engage with and establish Information Sharing Protocols and information management documentation with other agencies. Other agencies might include Police, Fire and Rescue, Housing independent and third sectors The Information Sharing Protocols and Privacy Impact Assessments will be continuously reviewed, in line with the ICO Data Sharing Code of Practice, to address weaknesses and enable business change. Actively engage with other partnership areas to ensure best practice is maintained. Business drivers will be re-examined to identify process improvements
Governance structures Single agency groups in place; lack of cross-partnership co-ordination Cross-partnership group exists, bringing together all relevant stakeholders Cross-partnership group is well-attended and functioning to expected standards, meeting all legislative and policy requirements, linking to local governance structures and the Information Sharing Board Cross-partnership is making effective decisions, based on locally derived performance information and business intelligence, and managing a Programme Plan of co-ordinated local activity Cross-partnership group is driving the delivery of improved outcomes; partnership is linking across boundaries; continually reviewing lessons learned to ensure its supporting enhanced outcomes
Training, workforce development, and culture change Training needs are recognised at a single agency level The elements that should be included in a strategy to support cross-sector working are identified, and developments to address them are initiated Multi-agency learning is taking place, with links established to single agency training and development strategies Behaviour change delivered by the multi-agency training can be evidenced Outcomes/results have changed as a result of the training, with plans in place to continuously improve and revise training to meet developing needs
Person-centred care planning and review Organisations provide information in an ad hoc fashion, upon request, but there is little two-way interaction Single agencies providing information in a co-ordinated and supported way, recognising a range of individual needs Cross-agency information provided in a co-ordinated and supported way, recognising a range of individual needs People playing an active role in the development of their care plans, engaged in the co-production of their records, supported by two-way flow of information People are fully involved in shaping their outcomes supported by the ability to electronically access current information relevant to their care needs. Representative groups are actively involved in ensuring outcomes are best supported.
Assessments, Requests for Assistance, Chronologies and Plans Assessments and plans are created in a single agency system. Paper copies of assessments and plans are discussed with partners during joint planning meetings. Limited control over the distribution of multiple versions of the plans. Partnerships agree a process of electronic sharing the final version of the assessment or plans in agreed format, such as a PDF form Electronic sharing of plans and assessments will be generated in a format to allow some information to be extracted and to populate receiving systems. All procedures will be documented and staff will be trained Plans and assessments will be generated in a shared system that will allow Named Person and/or Lead Professional to extract relevant information from previous versions and/or chronologies. Service requests are managed electronically. Other agencies involved in the case will be able to download and print the most recent version of the assessment or plan. Plans and assessments will be generated in a shared system. The shared system will enable viewing of the final shared assessment or plan. An integrated chronology can be produced. The Partnerships will continually review content to capture and enhance the outcomes derived from legislative requirements and policy initiatives, and to consider whether information should be shareable across partnership boundaries
Professional Details Partnerships have identified Named Persons for every child and young person, and where there's a requirement to have a Lead Professional for a service user A services user's Named Person and/or Lead Professional contact details can be shared within the partnership An electronic solution to support the processes is in place to meet user requirements and support partnership sharing All electronic message, forms or alerts about a service user sent within the partnership will contain the Named Person and/or Lead Professionals contact details. Procedures will be fully documented and staff will be trained on these procedures A robust process is in place, such as the ability for the Named Person and/or Lead Professional to grant, revoke and maintain access to shared service users records. The procedures will be continually reviewed and improved, to consider whether information should be shareable across partnership boundaries, and to ensure outcomes are being enhanced.
Messages and Alerts The Partnership may share information using a paper based system. The partnership have mapped the paper based system (AS-IS) to a desirable (TO-BE) system of electronic sharing The partnership are developing the capability to share notifications or alerts The partnership are capable of sharing notifications or alerts Systems within the Partnership are capable of sending structured alerts to all agencies within the Partnership. All procedures will be documented and staff will be trained The partnership can share alerts across partnership boundaries. These alerts will be available to A&E, OOH, nurses, education, police, fire service and other agencies as appropriate. Partners will extend alerting capabilities to enable business change and enhance outcomes
Matching and Indexing The Partnership have initiated discussions to describe that data required, and the expected level of data quality, from agency systems to match patients using basic demographic information The partnership have captured the business process of matching patient records and have selected a model for matching - either CHI seeding or matching and indexing. The partnership can demonstrate models for automatic and manual matching of patient demographics. The data to be shared will be documented The service user demographic process will be implemented within business systems and staff will be trained to use the systems. The Partnership will seek ways to improve the process by reviewing matching methodologies and aim to streamline manual matching processes Service user demographic information and usage will be continuously review to enable business change and gather the information requirements of new agencies to the partnership
Supporting infrastructure Processes are ad-hoc and localised. Little or no adherence to existing standards. No cross-sectoral access to business systems IT Vision, principles and target architecture has been identified. Clear cross-sectoral roles and responsibilities have been established. Some adherence to existing standards Fully developed cross-sectoral technical reference model. IT goals and methods are identified. IT security standards are fully integrated with IT architecture. All cross-sectoral procedures for accessing business systems are documented and staff are trained. Performance metrics associated with secure infrastructure are captured, including monitoring and auditing Analysis of performance measures are used to drive improvements. Continuous improvement plans are in place


Email: Alan Milbourne

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