
Health and Social Care Integration: core indicators

Describes the proposed core suite of indicators that Integration Authorities will use to measure progress towards the National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes.

2.Core Suite of Indicators - Introduction

This core suite of indicators should be used in conjunction with the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes) (Scotland) Regulations 2014 which is available at:

The indicators have been developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders across all sectors, and with significant input from COSLA, and have been agreed by the Ministerial Steering Group. They remain to be tested in practice, however, and will need to be tested out with partnerships to understand their usefulness both for reporting progress and identifying areas for improvement to help with strategic planning. It should be noted that the indicators will develop and improve over time, and that some of them still require data development.

The indicators have been, or will be, developed from national data sources so that the measurement approach is consistent across all areas. They can be grouped into two types of complementary measures:

Outcome indicators based on survey feedback, to emphasise the importance of a personal outcomes approach and the key role of user feedback in improving quality. While national user feedback will only be available every 2 years, it is expected that Integration Authorities' performance reports will be supplemented each year with related information that is collected more often.

1. Percentage of adults able to look after their health very well or quite well.

2. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that they are supported to live as independently as possible.

3. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that they had a say in how their help, care or support was provided.

4. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that their health and care services seemed to be well co-ordinated.

5. Percentage of adults receiving any care or support who rate it as excellent or good

6. Percentage of people with positive experience of care at their GP practice.

7. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree that their services and support had an impact in improving or maintaining their quality of life.

8. Percentage of carers who feel supported to continue in their caring role.

9. Percentage of adults supported at home who agree they felt safe.

10. Percentage of staff who say they would recommend their workplace as a good place to work.*

Indicators derived from organisational/system data primarily collected for other reasons. These indicators will be available annually or more often.

11. Premature mortality rate.

12. Rate of emergency admissions for adults.*

13. Rate of emergency bed days for adults.*

14. Readmissions to hospital within 28 days of discharge.*

15. Proportion of last 6 months of life spent at home or in community setting.

16. Falls rate per 1,000 population in over 65s.*

17. Proportion of care services graded 'good' (4) or better in Care Inspectorate

18. Percentage of adults with intensive needs receiving care at home.

19. Number of days people spend in hospital when they are ready to be discharged.

20. Percentage of total health and care spend on hospital stays where the patient was admitted in an emergency.

21. Percentage of people admitted from home to hospital during the year, who are discharged to a care home.*

22. Percentage of people who are discharged from hospital within 72 hours of being ready.*

23. Expenditure on end of life care.*

* Indicator under development

Frequency of availability of measurement or level of perceived direct influence on the data should not lead to prioritisation of one indicator at the expense of others. The indicators are designed to allow comparison between areas and to look at improvement over time - some relatively long term. It has been agreed that these indicators will not be subject to targets although local areas may wish to set improvement aims where appropriate.

The core suite of indicators should of course be considered within the wider context of health and social care measurement. While they will provide an indication of progress towards the outcomes, that can be compared across partnerships and described at Scotland level, they will not provide the full picture. Local partnerships will need to collect and understand a wide range of data and feedback that helps understand the system at locality level, and manage and improve services.

Some suggested resources can be found in the draft information framework here: In future, if there is demand, we will look at developing this into a web resource, and as such we would very much appreciate feedback on this prototype. Please send comments to


Email: Catriona Hayes

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