Health and social care staff experience: report 2019

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in Health and Social Care.

Staff Governance Standards – Components

Staff Governance is a key component of the governance framework used to monitor and manage the performance of NHS Scotland organisations.  Staff Governance considers both how effectively staff are managed and also how staff feel they are managed.  The standard was underpinned in legislation in 2004 and its component strands as shown below continue to be monitored, both locally and nationally. 

Staff Governance Standard – Scores 

The strands of the Staff Governance Standard were mapped against the 20 components forming part of the Staff Experience Framework (see Appendix 7).  The 28 questions were then mapped to the 20 components and Staff Governance Standards to provide a measure of Employee Engagement (see Appendix 8).

All five Staff Governance Standard Strand reported scores remain unchanged from 2018, with being ‘Well Informed’ the highest scoring Strand (80) and being ‘Involved in decisions’ (71) remaining an area for future focus.

Staff Governance Standards – Scores Weighted Index Value
2017 2018 2019
Well informed 80 80 80
Appropriately trained and developed 73 74 74
Involved in decisions 71 71 71
Treated fairly & consistently, with dignity & respect, in an environment where diversity is valued 77 77 77
Provided with a continuously improving & safe working environment, promoting health & wellbeing of staff, patients & the wider community 76 77 77

The distribution of scores reflects this with 72% scoring in the Strive to Celebrate band for the ‘Well-Informed’ Strand and only 51% for the ‘Involved in Decisions’ Strand.


Staff Governance Standard - Experience as an individual

Results are aggregated for each question presented under the heading ‘As an Individual’. 

From 2018 to 2019 there has been very little movement in the components that comprise the ‘Experience as an Individual’ Strand. The highest scoring component ‘I am clear about by duties and responsibilities’ has dropped one point as has the lowest scoring component ‘I feel involved in decisions relating to my job’.

Experience as an Individual  2017 2018 2019 Movement 2019 – 2018
I am clear about my duties and responsibilities  88 88 87 -1
I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual  82 83 83 0
I am treated fairly and consistently  81 81 81 0
My work gives me a sense of achievement  81 81 81 0
I get the information I need to do my job well  81 81 81 0
I have sufficient support to do my job well  77 78 78 0
I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to  75 75 75 0
I feel appreciated for the work I do  73 74 74 0
I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work  73 73 73 0
I am given the time and resources to support my learning growth  71 72 72 0
I am confident my ideas and suggestion are acted upon  71 71 71 0
I feel involved in decisions relating to my job  71 71 70 -1

From these scores it is evident that staff generally feel they are treated fairly and with respect and that they are clear about their responsibilities. The greater challenge is ensuring staff feel they have a voice and are given the feedback and support they feel they need.

Across the distribution of scores for each component in ‘Experience as an Individual’ there is considerable variation in the share of staff rating each component as Strive & Celebrate. At the top end, 89% of staff score in the Strive & Celebrate band for role clarity, whist only half of staff do so for feeling involved in decisions and confidence that their suggestions and ideas are acted on.


Scores for this component are consistent between National and Geographic Boards with the exception of the Scottish Ambulance Service that typically scores lower (see following for details). Staff working in Geographic Boards are usually more positive about the sense of achievement they get from their work than staff in National Boards. 

Experience as an Individual Geographic Boards NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Lothian NHS Grampian NHS Tayside NHS Lanarkshire NHS Ayrshire & Arran NHS Fife NHS Highland NHS Forth Valley NHS Dumfries & Galloway NHS Borders NHS Shetland NHS Western Isles NHS Orkney
Number of Responses  25,420 16,149 10,851 8,701 8,653 7,931 6,786 6,184 4,341 2,965 1,774 935 553 492
I am clear about my duties and responsibilities 88 88 87 86 89 88 88 86 87 85 87 87 87 85
I get the information I need to do my job well 81 82 81 80 84 82 81 79 80 79 80 83 81 78
I am given the time and resources to support my learning growth 71 74 74 71 75 74 72 71 70 70 71 73 72 72
I have sufficient support to do my job well 77 79 79 78 81 79 78 76 76 76 76 80 77 75
I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to 74 76 76 75 77 75 75 75 75 73 74 78 75 75
I am confident my ideas and suggestion are acted upon 70 72 72 71 74 71 71 70 70 69 70 74 72 72
I feel involved in decisions relating to my job 69 72 72 70 73 71 70 70 69 69 70 74 72 72
I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual 82 84 84 83 85 83 83 82 82 81 83 85 82 84
I am treated fairly and consistently 80 82 82 81 83 81 81 80 80 79 81 83 81 82
I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work 72 74 75 73 76 74 73 72 71 71 74 77 72 73
I feel appreciated for the work I do 72 75 75 74 76 74 73 73 72 72 75 78 73 76
My work gives me a sense of achievement 80 82 82 81 82 81 81 80 80 80 81 85 82 84


Experience as an Individual National Boards Scottish Ambulance Service NHS National Services Scotland Golden Jubilee Foundation NHS 24 NHS Education for Scotland The State Hospital Healthcare Improvement Scotland NHS Health Scotland
Number of Responses  2,838 2,811 1,167 1,039 709 506 429 276
I am clear about my duties and responsibilities 84 85 89 89 87 90 83 85
I get the information I need to do my job well 72 79 83 82 82 84 79 81
I am given the time and resources to support my learning growth 56 74 75 72 80 76 75 78
I have sufficient support to do my job well 68 78 79 82 82 82 79 80
I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to 61 75 74 72 84 77 79 82
I am confident my ideas and suggestion are acted upon 57 71 71 68 79 73 75 77
I feel involved in decisions relating to my job 56 70 70 64 79 75 74 78
I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual 75 84 82 82 89 84 84 90
I am treated fairly and consistently 71 81 81 80 88 82 83 86
I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work 57 75 73 80 81 79 79 81
I feel appreciated for the work I do 61 75 74 75 82 77 79 81
My work gives me a sense of achievement 79 78 82 80 84 80 78 81

Staff Governance Standard - My Team / My Direct Line Manager 

Results are aggregated for each question presented under the heading ‘My Team / My Direct Line Manager’.  

There is no reported movement in components in this Staff Governance Strand. Staff continue to be very positive about their line manager and their relationship with their line manager. Staff are less sure that performance is managed across their team or their level of involvement in decisions that affect them.

My Team/My Direct Line Manager 2017 2018 2019 Movement 2019 – 2018
My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable  86 87 87 0
I feel my direct line manager cares about my health and well-being  84 84 84 0
I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager  83 84 84 0
I would recommend my team as a good one to be a part of  82 83 83 0
My team works well together 81 82 82 0
I am confident performance is managed well within my team  77 77 77 0
I feel involved in decisions relating to my team  75 76 76 0

The importance of the line manger relationship is illustrated in this example from a team story focused on communications:

“We strongly believe we get a high iMatter score because we have a manager who fully supports us, is approachable and values our individual contributions.”

NHS Education for Scotland, CPD Connect Team. Better communication means better staff experience

The distribution of responses for each component (shown below) illustrate the high level of positivity towards line managers, with 84% of staff scoring ‘My line manager is sufficiently approachable’ as Strive to Celebrate and 80% doing so for ‘My line manager cares about my health and wellbeing’.


Staff working in National Boards, with the exception of the Scottish Ambulance Service, typically score around 3 points higher than those working in Geographic Boards for the three line manager components. The following tables show component scores for each Geographic and National Board.

My Team/ My Direct Line Manager Geographic Boards NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Lothian NHS Grampian NHS Tayside NHS Lanarkshire NHS Ayrshire & Arran NHS Fife NHS Highland NHS Forth Valley NHS Dumfries & Galloway NHS Borders NHS Shetland NHS Western Isles NHS Orkney
Number of Responses  25,420 16,149 10,851 8,701 8,653 7,931 6,786 6,184 4,341 2,965 1,774 935 553 492
I feel my direct line manager cares about my health and well-being 84 85 84 84 87 85 84 83 83 82 84 86 83 84
My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable 87 87 86 87 89 87 86 85 85 85 86 87 85 85
I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager 83 84 84 83 86 84 83 82 82 81 83 84 82 81
I feel involved in decisions relating to my team 75 77 77 75 79 76 75 75 75 74 75 78 75 76
I am confident performance is managed well within my team 77 78 78 76 81 78 77 76 76 74 76 78 75 75
My team works well together 82 83 81 82 84 83 82 81 81 80 81 83 80 81
I would recommend my team as a good one to be a part of 82 84 83 83 85 84 83 82 83 82 83 84 81 82


My Team/ My Direct Line Manager National Boards Scottish Ambulance Service NHS National Services Scotland Golden Jubilee Foundation NHS 24 NHS Education for Scotland The State Hospital Healthcare Improvement Scotland NHS Health Scotland
Number of Responses  2,838 2,811 1,167 1,039 709 506 429 276
I feel my direct line manager cares about my health and well-being 79 87 83 90 91 87 90 91
My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable 83 88 86 92 91 90 91 92
I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager 79 85 83 90 89 86 88 88
I feel involved in decisions relating to my team 67 76 75 77 82 80 81 84
I am confident performance is managed well within my team 69 77 77 84 82 81 78 82
My team works well together 75 81 81 80 86 85 81 85
I would recommend my team as a good one to be a part of 77 82 82 84 87 86 83 86

Staff Governance Standard - My Organisation

Results are aggregated for each question presented under the heading ‘My Organisation’, where Organisation refers to and includes both the relevant NHS Board and Health & Social Care Partnership(s). ‘Senior Managers’ refers to the Chair, Chief Executive, Non-Executives and Directors/Chief Officer. 

Although reported movements are only one point, it is notable that the scores for half of the components in this strand have declined. The highest scoring competent remains staff’s understanding of how their role contributes to the organisation’s goals, though it has dropped from 83 to 82. 

My Organisation 2017 2018 2019 Movement 2019 – 2018
I understand how my role contributes to the goals of my organisation  82 83 82 -1
I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation  78 78 78 0
I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work  74 74 74 0
I get the help and support I need from other teams and services within the organisation to do my job  71 72 71 -1
I feel my organisation cares about my health and wellbeing  70 71 70 -1
I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation  64 64 64 0
I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation  64 65 64 -1
I feel senior managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible  62 62 62 0
I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation  57 57 57 0

Staff in National Boards, with the exception of Scottish Ambulance Service, are more likely than those in Geographic Boards to say they would recommend the organisation as a good place to work.

My Organisation Geographic Boards NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS Lothian NHS Grampian NHS Tayside NHS Lanarkshire NHS Ayrshire & Arran NHS Fife NHS Highland NHS Forth Valley NHS Dumfries & Galloway NHS Borders NHS Shetland NHS Western Isles NHS Orkney
Number of Responses  25,420 16,149 10,851 8,701 8,653 7,931 6,786 6,184 4,341 2,965 1,774 935 553 492
I understand how my role contributes to the goals of my organisation 83 83 83 81 85 83 83 81 81 81 82 84 82 82
I feel my organisation cares about my health and wellbeing 70 71 73 68 73 72 71 69 69 69 69 75 69 72
I feel senior managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible 62 64 63 59 66 63 61 58 60 62 58 66 59 62
I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation 65 66 66 60 69 65 65 59 63 64 60 68 60 62
I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation 57 58 59 54 61 57 56 54 55 57 53 61 55 57
I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation 64 66 66 61 69 65 65 59 63 63 59 67 59 61
I get the help and support I need from other teams and services within the organisation to do my job 71 72 72 70 74 72 71 69 70 71 70 75 72 72
I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work 74 76 76 72 77 75 75 72 73 74 73 78 73 75
I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation 78 79 79 77 80 78 78 77 77 77 77 82 78 79


My Organisation  National Boards Scottish Ambulance Service NHS National Services Scotland Golden Jubilee Foundation NHS 24 NHS Education for Scotland The State Hospital Healthcare Improvement Scotland NHS Health Scotland
Number of Responses  2,838 2,811 1,167 1,039 709 506 429 276
I understand how my role contributes to the goals of my organisation 78 81 83 85 84 83 81 83
I feel my organisation cares about my health and wellbeing 58 75 73 73 81 69 75 80
I feel senior managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible 50 64 64 67 70 63 66 71
I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation 52 66 68 69 73 62 68 70
I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation 46 57 59 58 63 60 60 69
I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation 51 62 67 69 69 60 61 66
I get the help and support I need from other teams and services within the organisation to do my job 60 72 73 73 76 72 73 72
I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work 65 77 81 78 84 73 77 81
I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation 71 79 85 85 85 71 79 82

Confidence and trust in senior managers has dropped back from 65 in 2018 to 64 in 2019 as it was in 2017, suggesting this is an area that still needs focus. It is important to take action in this area as it is a component that is important in driving staff’s overall opinion of working in the organisation.  

Two team stories provide examples of how the need to build visibility and ultimately trust in senior managers:

Previous senior team roadshows had been poorly attended and so a new approach was needed. Several specific actions were taken:

1. The Service Manager and Head of MHLDS made regular ward ‘walk arounds’ that highlighted how many staff didn’t know who the senior management team were

2. Developed a ‘Who’s Who’ board for the staff room with photos and role descriptions

3. A staff survey is being run to find out how staff would prefer senior management to communicate with them

NHS Grampian, Mental Health & Disabilities Drum Ward

In order to address concerns around senior staff visibility: 

“The team suggested that senior managers could be more instantly visible to all staff if they embraced the “Hello my name is” badges and will seek to invite members of the senior management team to team meetings and consider what they wish to promote and share at these engagements.”

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, AHP Medicine

The component score for “I feel my organisation cares about my health and wellbeing” has reduced by 1 point in 2019 to 70. This is in sharp contrast to the equivalent rating for line managers caring about staff health and wellbeing which at 84 is one of the highest scoring components. 

Staff feeling that the organisation cares about their health and wellbeing is a very important component in driving overall opinion and it is positive that several team stories focus in on health and well being.  One particular story from the Scottish Ambulance Service RUOK? Team at Livingston Station, explores ways of supporting staff’s health and wellbeing more effectively. It also demonstrates how the commitment of one individual can grow through their team to ultimately be rolled out across the whole Board and beyond. See below for an introduction to the project and the impact it has had on staff:

 “This is the story of how two colleagues identified a need for better welfare support and collaborated to improve staff experience whilst removing the stigma of mental health, not just in their own local teams, but throughout the Scottish Ambulance Service and extending to Ambulance Trusts across the UK. The introduction of iMatter gave them hope that they could discuss staff welfare and staff experience issues openly. Their journey demonstrates how individuals can engage in the workplace to effect change for the benefit of all.”

“It was uplifting to hear you, it meant a great deal to me personally learning that I was not alone in the service and I was not unique having the dark time I had. Your work is vital and is without a doubt a lifesaver.” – Paramedic

“Having someone who has been through it and is brave enough to speak about their experience really helped. I think it will help a lot of people feel confident to speak up.” – Call taker

“You may feel that you are alone when you feel down but actually there is help.” - Firefighter

Scottish Ambulance Service RUOK? Team at Livingston Station

Staff Groupings

For the first time in 2019, staff were asked to confirm which staff grouping they belonged to. This allows both comparison between Local Authority and NHSScotland employees and comparison of staff groupings within each employer. 

Although these questions were optional almost all staff chose to answer them: 99% of staff confirmed whether they were NHSScotland or Local Authority Employees. Of those, 98% of the NHSScotland Employees and 99% of the Local Authority Employees identified which Staff Grouping they belonged to. Details of the number of responses from each staff grouping are shown in Appendix 5. Looking firstly at the comparison between Local Authority staff and NHSScotland employees:

Local Authority NHS Scotland Difference
I am clear about my duties and responsibilities 87 87 0
I get the information I need to do my job well 80 81 -1
I am given the time and resources to support my learning growth 73 72 +1
I have sufficient support to do my job well 78 78 0
I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to 76 75 +1
I am confident my ideas and suggestion are acted upon 71 71 0
I feel involved in decisions relating to my job 70 70 0
I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual 83 83 0
I am treated fairly and consistently 81 81 0
I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work 76 73 +3
I feel appreciated for the work I do 75 73 +2
My work gives me a sense of achievement 82 81 +1
I feel my direct line manager cares about my health and well-being 86 84 +2
My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable 88 86 +2
I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager 85 84 +1
I feel involved in decisions relating to my team 77 75 +2
I am confident performance is managed well within my team 79 77 +2
My team works well together 82 82 0
I would recommend my team as a good one to be a part of 84 83 +1
I understand how my role contributes to the goals of my organisation 83 82 +1
I feel my organisation cares about my health and wellbeing 72 70 +2
I feel senior managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible 64 62 +2
I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation 67 64 +3
I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation 59 57 +2
I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation 67 63 +4
I get the help and support I need from other teams and services within the organisation to do my job 72 71 +1
I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work 75 74 +1
I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation 78 78 0

From the previous table it is evident that Local Authority staff typically score a little higher overall than NHSScotland staff. There is only one component “I get the information I need to do my job well” where NHSScotland staff score higher. Local Authority staff score two components 3 points higher (I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation, I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work) and one where the score is 4 points higher (I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation).

Local Authority Staff

The table below show how ratings differ across the staff groupings within the Local Authority staff. Overall staff in Criminal Justice and Strategic Development tend to score highest and staff in Older People tend to score lowest. 

The components that show the greatest variation across staff groupings are 

  • ‘I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation’ ranging from 64 among Local Authority Senior Managers to 68 among Criminal Justice staff
  • ‘I feel my organisation cares about my health and wellbeing’ with staff in Older People scoring 71 and Strategic Development scoring 75
  • ‘I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation’, varying from 77 among Older People staff to 81 for Strategic Development staff and Local Authority Senior Managers
  • ‘I am given the time and resources to support my learning growth’ ranging from 72 for Older People staff to 76 among Criminal Justice and Strategic Development staff

The most consistent component across the Local Authority staff groupings is ‘My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable’.

Local Authority Staff Groupings Adult Services Business Services Childrens Services Criminal Justice Older People LA Senior Managers Strategic Dev Difference highest to lowest
I am clear about my duties and responsibilities 86 87 87 88 86 87 88 2
I get the information I need to do my job well 80 80 80 81 79 79 81 2
I am given the time and resources to support my learning growth 73 73 73 76 72 73 76 4
I have sufficient support to do my job well 79 79 79 80 78 80 80 2
I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to 76 75 76 77 75 76 77 2
I am confident my ideas and suggestion are acted upon 71 71 72 73 71 72 74 3
I feel involved in decisions relating to my job 70 70 70 72 70 70 72 2
I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual 83 83 84 84 83 84 85 2
I am treated fairly and consistently 82 81 82 82 81 83 84 3
I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work 76 75 76 76 76 76 78 3
I feel appreciated for the work I do 76 75 76 77 75 78 78 3
My work gives me a sense of achievement 83 84 84 85 83 85 85 2
I feel my direct line manager cares about my health and well-being 86 85 86 87 86 87 88 3
My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable 88 88 88 89 88 89 89 1
I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager 85 84 85 86 85 87 87 3
I feel involved in decisions relating to my team 76 76 76 77 76 78 78 2
I am confident performance is managed well within my team 78 79 79 80 78 81 81 3
My team works well together 85 83 83 84 82 84 84 3
I would recommend my team as a good one to be a part of 84 85 84 86 84 86 86 2
I understand how my role contributes to the goals of my organisation 83 83 84 84 83 82 83 2
I feel my organisation cares about my health and wellbeing 72 72 72 74 71 73 75 4
I feel senior managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible 63 62 63 63 62 61 63 2
I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation 66 65 66 67 65 65 66 2
I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation 59 58 59 59 58 57 58 2
I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation 67 67 67 68 66 64 66 4
I get the help and support I need from other teams and services within the organisation to do my job 73 73 73 74 72 72 74 2
I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work 75 76 76 77 75 76 77 2
I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation 78 79 79 80 77 81 81 4

NHSScotland Employees

The table below shows component scores for each of the NHSScotland Employee Staff Groupings. 

There are some considerable variations across the NHSScotland staff groupings with the Ambulance Services staff the least positive, typically scoring 10 points lower than the average of all NHSScotland employees. NHSSenior Managers are the most positive, typically 5 points above the average of all NHS Scotland employees. 

There are some huge differences in individual component scores across the NHSScotland Staff Groupings, typically with the two mentioned groups being the highest and lowest. Of most note are those that differ by over 20 points:

  • I feel involved in decisions relating to my job (26)
  • I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation (26)
  • I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work (24)
  • I feel senior managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible (23)
  • I am confident my ideas and suggestion are acted upon (23)
  • I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to (23)
  • I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation (22)
  • I am given the time and resources to support my learning growth (22)
  • I feel appreciated for the work I do (21)

Looking specifically at Scottish Ambulance Service staff, the highest scoring components are:

  • I am clear about my duties and responsibilities (85)
  • My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable (83)

The lowest scoring components for Ambulance Service staff are:

  • I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation (45)
  • I fee senior managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible (49)
NHSScotland Employee Staff Groupings Admin Services Health Professional Ambulance Services Health Sciences Medical  Dental Medical & Dental Support Nursing & Midwifery Other Therapeutic Personal & Social Care NHS Senior Managers Support Services Difference high to low
I am clear about my duties and responsibilities 86 87 85 85 88 88 89 86 86 88 88 3
I get the information I need to do my job well 80 82 72 78 81 82 83 81 79 82 81 11
I am given the time and resources to support my learning growth 74 70 55 67 73 75 72 72 74 77 75 22
I have sufficient support to do my job well 78 78 67 75 75 80 79 78 78 78 78 13
I am confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to 75 77 60 72 73 73 76 78 75 83 71 23
I am confident my ideas and suggestion are acted upon 71 72 56 68 68 69 72 73 72 79 68 23
I feel involved in decisions relating to my job 70 72 55 67 71 69 71 73 71 81 68 26
I am treated with dignity and respect as an individual 83 85 74 81 83 81 83 86 82 87 79 13
I am treated fairly and consistently 81 83 71 78 81 79 81 84 80 86 78 15
I get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work 74 74 56 69 72 72 74 74 73 80 71 24
I feel appreciated for the work I do 74 75 60 70 73 73 74 77 74 81 71 21
My work gives me a sense of achievement 78 83 79 78 82 80 82 81 84 85 78 7
I feel my direct line manager cares about my health and well-being 85 86 78 82 83 84 84 87 82 89 80 11
My direct line manager is sufficiently approachable 87 88 83 84 86 84 87 88 85 90 83 7
I have confidence and trust in my direct line manager 83 85 79 80 84 82 84 86 82 88 80 10
I feel involved in decisions relating to my team 75 77 66 71 75 73 77 77 75 84 73 18
I am confident performance is managed well within my team 77 78 68 71 76 76 79 77 78 81 76 13
My team works well together 81 83 75 77 82 80 83 81 80 82 79 8
I would recommend my team as a good one to be a part of 81 84 76 78 83 81 85 83 81 84 80 9
I understand how my role contributes to the goals of my organisation 82 86 78 81 79 83 83 82 83 88 83 10
I feel my organisation cares about my health and wellbeing 74 70 57 70 67 72 68 71 73 78 73 21
I feel senior managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible 63 59 49 58 59 62 61 60 64 72 62 23
I have confidence and trust in senior managers responsible for the wider organisation 65 62 51 61 61 64 64 64 66 73 64 22
I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation 56 55 45 52 55 55 55 54 59 71 58 26
I am confident performance is managed well within my organisation 63 62 50 60 61 64 62 62 66 67 65 17
I get the help and support I need from other teams and services within the organisation to do my job 72 71 60 68 69 71 71 71 72 75 69 15
I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work 76 74 65 72 73 74 74 75 76 80 75 15
I would be happy for a friend or relative to access services within my organisation 79 79 71 77 79 80 78 79 79 85 77 14


Staff Governance Stand Scores have all remained unchanged from 2018, with Well Informed continuing to be the highest scoring strand (80) and Involved in Decisions the lowest (71). Within each strand there is very little movement in individual components, with just 6 components having dropped by 1 point from 2018.

National Boards (with the exception of the Scottish Ambulance Service) typically score higher than Geographic Boards for line management components, but lower for the sense of achievement gained from their work.

The importance of staff feeling that the organisation cares about their health and wellbeing is evident and is well illustrated by the Scottish Ambulance Service RUOK? Team Story.

The inclusion of Staff Grouping analysis for the first time this year provides new insight into the views of staff in different roles. At an overall level Local Authority Staff tend to score slightly higher than NHSScotland Within the two Employer Groups, staff opinions differ considerably depending on their role. For example, within NHSScotland Senior Managers tend to be the most positive and those in Ambulance Services the least so. Among Local Authority Staff those in Criminal Justice and Strategic Development tend to score highest and those in Older People lowest.



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