
Health and social care - staff experience: report 2021

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2021.

Appendix 5: Everyone Matters Pulse Survey 2020 Results

The Survey

The Pulse Survey asks 13 questions about overall well-being and staff experience of work during the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey also asks staff two qualitative questions inviting them to describe what is most worrying them and what is supporting them, two short questions about the work environment and finally a suite of staff groupings and demographic questions.


Online survey invitations were sent from 1st September 2020, with responses received through until 23rd September 2020. Paper surveys were distributed to staff throughout September and returns were accepted until 2nd October 2020.

Response Rate

Everyone Matters Pulse Survey 2020 Volume Issued % of Volume Issued Usable Response Volume % of Responses Received Response Rate by Method
Online 170,190 87% 78,815 94% 46%
Paper 22,747 12% 3,936 5% 17%
SMS 3,847 2% 905 1% 24%
Total 196,784 83,656 43%


The results reported on experience of change were based on the 80,175 staff who answered the question 'In the last 6 months, have you experienced change either in your job role or the environment you work in?' 3,481 staff (4%) did not answer the question. Of those that answered the question 61,511 (74%) said they had experienced change.

Change in Work Circumstances
Percentages of respondents who confirmed changes to their work circumstances split by type of change: 42% noted working from home more than usual; 22% worked at a different location; 15% were reassigned to a different team: 14% were reassigned to a different role, but still in the same team: 2% were reassigned to a different Directorate; 1% were reassigned to a different Board. This was based on 61,511 Staff experiencing change
Change in Personal Circumstances
Percentages of respondents who confirmed changes to their personal circumstances split by type of change: 25% provided support for vulnerable relative living elsewhere; 24% had school age children at home; 16% had other house members furloughed; 15% experienced physical or mental ill health (non-covid); 13% lost a friend or relative; 13% noted a worsening of their financial situation; 10% had care responsibilities for another member of the household; 8% had preschool children at home; 6% were shielding at home; 3% stayed away from home to protect their family; 2% tested positive for COVID.   This was based on 61,511 Staff experiencing change


Wellbeing questions from Everyone Matters Pulse survey 2020
Results for 4 Wellbeing questions, the first 3 are split out into people who responded Low (1-4), Medium (5-6), High (7-8) and Very High (9-10)

Overall Experience

Overall Experience from Everyone Matters 2020 pulse survey
Ratings of overall experience for the Everyone Matters 2020 Pulse Survey: These are rated from 1(very poor) to 10(very good); A score of 1 was given by 2% of respondents; a score of 2 was given by 2% of respondents; a score of 3 was given by 4%; a score of 4 was given by 5%; a score of 5 was given by 13%; a score of 6 was given by 11%; a score of 7 was given by 18%; a score of 8 was given by 23%; a score of 9 was given by 12%; and a score of 10 was given by 8%. The mean scores was 6.8. This is based on 83,656 staff responding
Questions asked in Everyone Matter Pulse Survey 2020
Percentage of staff giving scores within 4 different levels. Covers 9 individual questions



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