
Health and social care - staff experience: report 2021

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2021.

Demographic Profile

Demographic questions have been introduced to the iMatter survey in 2021. Full details are contained in Appendix 8.

Percentage of respondents who confirm the sex they identify as: female 75%; Male 19%; no answer given 6%
Disabilty (Equality Act 2010)
Percentage of respondents regarding whether they have a disability per the Equality Act 2010.   5% said Yes; 88% said no; and 6% gave no answer
Respondents described their religion as None was 50%; Church of Scotland was 21%; Roman Catholic was 14%; Other Christian was 4%; Muslim was 1%; Hindu was less than 1%; Buddhist was less than 1%; Sikh was less than 1%; Jewish was less than 1%; Pagan was less than 1%; Another religion was 1% and No answer given was 7%
Age of respondents: Under 25 years was 3%; 25-34 years was 15%; 35-44 years was 21%; 45-54 years was 27%; 55-64 years was 21%; 65-74 years was 2% and 75 and over was none
Sexual Orientation
Straight/Heterosexual 87%
Gay or Lesbian 2%
Bisexual 1%
Prefer to self-describe 1%
No Answer Given 8%

What is your ethnic group?

White 90%

  • Scottish 85%
  • Other British 10%
  • Irish 2%
  • Showman / Showwoman <1%
  • No Answer Given 1%
  • Polish 1%
  • Gypsy / Traveller <1%
  • Roma <1%
  • Other white ethnic group 2%

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups 1%

Asian, Scottish Asian or British Asian 2%

  • Pakistani, Scottish Pakistani or British Pakistani 19%
  • Bangladeshi, Scottish Bangladeshi or British Bangladeshi 2%
  • Other 17%
  • Indian, Scottish Indian or British Indian 44%
  • Chinese, Scottish Chinese or British Chinese 11%
  • No Answer Given 6%

African, Scottish African or British African 1%

Caribbean or Black <1%

Other ethnic group <1%

  • Arab, Scottish Arab or British Arab 26%
  • No Answer Given 18%
  • Other 56%

No Answer Given 6%



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