
Health and social care - staff experience: report 2021

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2021.

Staff Groupings

The majority of staff taking part in the survey are employed by NHSScotland (84%) and 14% are employed by Local Authorities. 2% chose not to answer this question.

Who is your employer
Employer for respondents: NHS Scotland 84%; Local Authority 14% and No answer given 2%

The table below shows the breakdown of staff groupings within NHSScotland and Local Authorities. Only 3% chose not to provide details of their role.

Nursing and Midwifery staff comprise a third of NHSScotland staff and therefore over a quarter of all staff taking part in iMatter 2021.

NHSScotland employees
Number Percent
Administrative Services 20,766 23%
Allied Health Profession 10,613 12%
Ambulance Services 3,308 4%
Health Science Services 3,592 4%
Medical and Dental 6,476 7%
Medical and Dental Support 844 1%
Nursing and Midwifery 30,678 34%
Other Therapeutic 3,735 4%
Personal and Social Care 1,188 1%
Senior Managers 1,159 1%
Support Services 6,204 7%
No Answer Given 2,408 3%
Local Authority employees
Number Percent
Adult Services 7143 48%
Business Services 1018 7%
Children's Services 1890 13%
Criminal Justice 576 4%
Older People Services 3513 24%
Senior Managers 131 1%
Strategic Development 164 1%
No Answer Given 451 3%

A summary of the demographic profile of each staff grouping is contained in Appendix 9.



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