
Health and social care - staff experience: report 2021

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2021.

Overall Measures of Staff Experience

EEI Score
Overall EEI Score for iMatter for each year. 2017 was 75; there was no report for 2018; 2019 was 76; and 2021 EEI is 75
Percentage of Teams
Percentage of teams who received a report rated as: 73% were rated Strive & Celebrate (67-100); 14% were rated Further Improve (51-66); 2% were rated Improve to monitor (34-50); less than 1% were rated Focus to Improve (0-33) and 12% received No report
Overall Experience
Overall Experience ratings for staff confirming that overall working within my organisation is either a positive or negative experience with 0 being very poor and 10 being very good.   2% rate their experience as 0; 1% rate it as 1; 2% rate it as 2; 4% rate it as 3; 5% rate it as 4; 13% rate it as 5; 12% rate it as 6; 21% rate it as 7; 19% rate it as 8; 11% rate it as 9 and 11% rate it as 10.  The overall average is documented as 6.8
I would recommend my organisation as a good place to work is rated so that 57% of respondents rate it between 67 and 100 (strive & celebrate); 25% rate it between 51 and 66 (monitor to further improve); 8% rate it between 34 and 50 (Monitor to improve); and 10% rate it 0-33 (Focus to improve).
I would recommend my team as a good one to be a part of is rated by 76% of respondents as between 67-100(Strive & Celebrate); 14% rate it as 51-66 (Monitor to further improve); 5% rate it as 34-50 (Monitor to improve) and 5% rate it as 0-33 (focus to improve)



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