
Health and social care - staff experience: report 2021

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2021.

iMatter EEI per organisation

The Employee Engagement Index (EEI) is calculated based on the number of responses for each point on the scale (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree) multiplied by its number value (6 to 1). These scores are added together and divided by the overall number of responses to give the score to show level of engagement.

Health and Social Care EEI Score
Overall EEI score for Health and Social Care as 75 in 2017, no report in 2018, 76 in 2019 and 75 in 2021

The overall EEI score of 75 for Health and Social Care is one point below the 2019 EEI score of 76. This returns the score to the 2017 score. No report was issued in 2018 as the response rate was below the normally observed threshold of 60%.

This overall movement of just one point from 2019, masks some much greater movement in EEI scores for individual Boards (see following chart). Whilst many Boards have declined by one or two points, there are number of notable exceptions:

Three national support Boards, increased their EEI scores in 2021:

  • NHS Education for Scotland (+2 points to 84)
  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland (+3 points to 81)
  • NHS National Service Scotland (+2 points to 78)

NHS Education for Scotland have shared their thoughts on why their already high scores have increased still further:

NHS Education for Scotland

"During the course of the pandemic, NES has been contributing to the overall health and social care system through our Digital, HR, and Clinical Directorate colleagues. We think this will be a source of pride both for those individuals who have made the contributions and also their colleagues.

NES has adopted a proactive, wellbeing focus to supporting our staff throughout the pandemic. A very positive approach to working from home, with lots of practical and psychological support, and clear messages around looking after self and others. We continue to provide a high level of support and flexibility around home working. During lockdown this was especially beneficial in enabling people to balance caring commitments and NES work"

Head of Programme in Workforce

In contrast, patient-facing Boards have EEI scores more than 2 points below their 2019 scores:

  • NHS Orkney (-5 points to 70)
  • Golden Jubilee Foundation (-5 points to 72)
  • The State Hospital (-3 points to 74)
  • NHS 24 (-3 points to 75)

Although these are smaller Boards, the movements in EEI scores from 2019 are all statistically significant (see Appendix 6 for details).

Actions are already under way in these Boards to address staff experience concerns as illustrated by these examples:

NHS 24

"We focussed our action plan on involving the workforce in decisions relating to the organisation and their jobs, on building confidence and trust in, and visibility of, the EMT and Board, and on managing performance well and acting on ideas and suggestions where we can."

Learning and Organisational Development Co-ordinator

NHS Orkney

"This year the iMatter did not include Social Care staff, who had already received a staff survey through the Local Authority and so the baseline group was different, which has led to an irregular comparison.

There is an acknowledgement that work needed to take place and has been delivered through our Listening Project. The wellbeing group has also been restarted after an 18-month hiatus and will build in key performance indicators to measure success, including monitoring the iMatter results."

Organisational Development & Improvement Advisor

EEI scores and movement against 2019 at Board level
2021 EEI score for each board ranked from highest to lowest, with a secondary bar confirming change from 2019:  NHS Education for Scotland are top of the table with 84, which is an increase of 2;
Healthcare Improvement Scotland scores 81 which is an increase of 3; NHS National Services Scotland scores 78 which is an increase of 2; NHS Shetland scores 78 with no movement from 2019; Public Health Scotland scored 77, new Board so no secondary bar score; NHS Lanarkshire scored 77 which is a decrease of 2; NHS Grampian scored 76 which is decrease of 1; NHS Lothian scored 76 which is a decrease of 1; NHS Western Isles scored 76, but achieved no report in 2019; The overall Health and Social Care average is 75 which is a drop of 1 from 2019; NHS 24 scored 75 which is a decrease of 3; NHS Ayrshire & Arran scored 75 which is a decrease of 1; NHS Fife scored 75 which is a decrease of 1; NHS Borders scored 74 and achieved no report in 2019;
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde scored 74 and achieved no report in 2019; NHS Tayside scored 74 a drop of 1 from 2019; The State Hospital scored 74 a drop of 3 from 2019; NHS Forth Valley scored 73 a drop of 2 from 2019; NHS Highland scored 73 a drop of 1 from 2019; Golden Jubilee scored 72, a drop of 5 from 2019; NHS Dumfries and Galloway scored 72 a drop of 2 from 2019; NHS Orkney scored 70, a drop of 5 from 2019; Scottish Ambulance Service scored 65, with no report in 2019.

Comparing 2021 EEI to Previous Years

The long-term trend in EEI scores illustrates how staff experiences are evolving. The table following includes the comparison of 2021 scores to those achieved in 2017.

The Health and Social Care EEI score is currently at the same level as it was in 2017. Of the 18 Boards that have scores for 2017, eight of them achieved the same scores in 2021 as they did in 2017.

The largest positive movement over the five years is for NHS Education for Scotland, up 4 points from the 2017 EEI score of 80.

The largest negative movements are:

  • Golden Jubilee Foundation, down 6 points from an EEI of 78 in 2017
  • NHS Orkney, down 5 points from an EEI of 75 in 2017
EEI Score 2017 2018 2019 2021 Movement from 2017
Health and Social Care 75 No Report (NR) 76 75 0
Golden Jubilee Foundation 78 78 77 72 -6
NHS 24 75 77 78 75 0
Scottish Ambulance Service 67 67 NR 65 -2
The State Hospital 76 77 77 74 -3
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 80 80 78 81 +1
NHS Education for Scotland 80 81 82 84 +4
NHS National Services Scotland 77 76 76 78 +1
Public Health Scotland 77 New
NHS Health Scotland 81 81 81 N/A
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 76 NR 76 75 -1
NHS Borders 74 NR NR 74 0
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 75 NR 74 72 -3
NHS Fife 75 NR 76 75 0
NHS Forth Valley 75 75 75 73 -2
NHS Grampian 76 77 77 76 0
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde NR NR NR 74 N/A
NHS Highland NR NR 74 73 -1
NHS Lanarkshire 77 78 79 77 0
NHS Lothian 76 77 77 76 0
NHS Orkney 75 76 75 70 -5
NHS Shetland 78 NR 78 78 0
NHS Tayside 74 NR 75 74 0
NHS Western Isles NR NR NR 76 N/A

EEI Score Distribution across Teams

Across the whole of Health and Social Care the distribution of teams across each of the score bands is as shown below. 73% of teams that received a report score in Strive to Celebrate (67-100). Across the whole of Health and Social Care there are only 15 teams that have an EEI score of 33 or less (less than 1% of all teams). Teams with 4 or less staff and a response rate of below 100% did not receive a report.

Organisation Number of Teams Percentage of Teams
Strive & Celebrate (67-100) 11050 73%
Monitor to Further Improve (51-66) 2075 14%
Improve to Monitor (34-50) 265 2%
Focus to Improve (0-33) 15 <1%
No Report 1778 12%
Total Health and Social Care 15183 100%

The table following shows the number teams in each EEI score band across each of the Boards.

NHS Education for Scotland has 96% of teams scoring in 'Strive & Celebrate' and Healthcare Improvement Scotland has 93%. NHS Shetland is the highest performing Geographic Board with 91% of Teams scoring in 'Strive & Celebrate'. In contrast only 56% of teams in Scottish Ambulance Service score in 'Strive & Celebrate'.

Boards that received a report in 2021 Strive & Celebrate 67-100 Monitor to Further Improve 51-66 Improve to Monitor 34-50 Focus to Improve 0-33 Report Issued
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 761 116 20 1 898
85% 13% 2% 0%
NHS Borders 219 34 5 0 258
85% 13% 2% 0%
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 214 50 7 1 272
79% 18% 3% 0%
NHS Fife 671 93 11 1 776
86% 12% 1% 0%
NHS Forth Valley 386 99 7 0 492
78% 20% 1% 0%
NHS Grampian 993 139 12 2 1146
87% 12% 1% 0%
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 2322 464 61 5 2852
81% 16% 2% 0%
NHS Highland 502 138 13 1 654
77% 21% 2% 0%
NHS Lanarkshire 851 134 15 2 1002
85% 13% 1% 0%
NHS Lothian 1662 264 32 1 1959
85% 13% 2% 0%
NHS Orkney 66 19 5 0 90
73% 21% 6% 0%
NHS Shetland 105 11 0 0 116
91% 9% 0% 0%
NHS Tayside 976 208 29 1 1214
80% 17% 2% 0%
NHS Western Isles 49 11 0 0 60
82% 18% 0% 0%
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 125 10 0 0 135
93% 7% 0% 0%
Public Health Scotland 81 6 2 0 89
91% 7% 2% 0%
NHS Education for Scotland 180 8 0 0 188
96% 4% 0% 0%
National Services Scotland 274 23 2 0 299
92% 8% 1% 0%
Golden Jubilee Foundation 129 28 5 0 162
80% 17% 3% 0%
Scottish Ambulance Service 250 164 35 0 449
56% 37% 8% 0%
NHS 24 183 45 4 0 232
79% 19% 2% 0%
The State Hospital 51 11 0 0 62
82% 18% 0% 0%

Reports Issued

In previous years this report has contained data on 'No Report'. This included information on the distribution of team EEI scores and analysis of the proportion of teams not receiving an EEI Report because they had not reached the required response rate threshold. The two thresholds previously in place were:

  • 60% response rate for teams of 5 or more staff
  • 100% response rate for teams with 4 or less staff

With the removal of the 60% threshold, the only teams that will not have received a report in 2021 are those with 4 or less staff and a response rate of below 100%. Consequently, the percentage of teams receiving a report has risen from 76% in 2019 to 88% in 2021.

Almost all Boards have between 87% and 95% of their teams receiving reports. The exceptions are

  • NHS 24 where 78% of Teams received a report
  • NHS Lothian where 80% of Teams received a report
Board Report Issued No Report Issued Total
No. of Teams Percent No. of Teams Percent
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 898 89% 110 11% 1,008
NHS Borders 258 87% 38 13% 296
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 272 88% 36 12% 308
NHS Fife 776 88% 104 12% 880
NHS Forth Valley 492 88% 68 12% 560
NHS Grampian 1146 89% 141 11% 1,287
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 2852 89% 357 11% 3,209
NHS Highland 654 88% 85 12% 739
NHS Lanarkshire 1002 91% 97 9% 1,099
NHS Lothian 1959 83% 391 17% 2,350
NHS Orkney 90 95% 5 5% 95
NHS Shetland 116 87% 17 13% 133
NHS Tayside 1214 88% 159 12% 1,373
NHS Western Isles 60 92% 5 8% 65
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 135 91% 14 9% 149
Public Health Scotland 89 95% 5 5% 94
NHS Education for Scotland 188 94% 11 6% 199
National Services Scotland 299 95% 17 5% 316
Golden Jubilee Foundation 162 95% 8 5% 170
Scottish Ambulance Service 449 91% 42 9% 491
NHS 24 232 78% 64 22% 296
The State Hospital 62 94% 4 6% 66

The variation seen in the percentage of teams that did not receive a report is directly impacted by the volume of small teams (less than 5 staff) within each Board. The table following shows the share of teams in each Board with less than 5 staff and the % of those that have received a report.

Overall, 22% of teams have less than 5 staff in them, though this ranges from 73% of teams in Healthcare Improvement Scotland to 11% of teams in NHS Western Isles and Public Health Scotland.

The percentage of small teams receiving a report is 54% across Health and Social Care. Again, there is considerable variation across the Boards, from 90% of small teams in NHS Education for Scotland receiving a report, to 39% of small teams in NHS Forth Valley.

Board Number of Teams Small Teams Receiving a Report
Total Small Teams % of all Teams No. of Small Teams Percent of Small Teams
Health & Social Care 15,187 3,316 22% 1,800 54%
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 1,008 175 17% 93 53%
NHS Borders 296 55 19% 23 42%
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 308 163 53% 129 79%
NHS Fife 880 214 24% 115 54%
NHS Forth Valley 562 106 19% 41 39%
NHS Grampian 1,287 241 19% 107 44%
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 3,209 557 17% 276 50%
NHS Highland 740 120 16% 49 41%
NHS Lanarkshire 1,099 167 15% 92 55%
NHS Lothian 2,351 581 25% 254 44%
NHS Orkney 95 32 34% 27 84%
NHS Shetland 133 29 22% 12 41%
NHS Tayside 1,373 270 20% 140 52%
NHS Western Isles 65 7 11% 5 71%
NHS Education for Scotland 199 110 55% 99 90%
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 149 109 73% 95 87%
NHS National Services Scotland 316 77 24% 60 78%
Public Health Scotland 94 10 11% 5 50%
NHS Golden Jubilee 170 46 27% 39 85%
NHS 24 296 131 44% 68 52%
Scottish Ambulance Service 491 96 20% 54 56%
The State Hospital 66 20 30% 17 85%



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