Health and social care staff experience: report 2018

The Scottish Government has commissioned Webropol Ltd, an independent company to undertake the work to report staff experience in Health and Social Care in 2018. Their report provides detailed information and analysis of staff experience gleaned from our iMatter Continuous Improvement Model.

Part 2: No Report

Gap to Reaching the Threshold Response Rate

Of the Boards that had no report because the response rate threshold of 60% was not reached, several were very close to required number of completed questionnaires. In particular, NHS Dumfries and Galloway needed just 1 more response and NHS Ayrshire and Arran an additional 103.

The table below shows the volume of questionnaires issued and returned along with the response rate achieved and the number of completed questionnaires that would be needed to have reached the response rate threshold.

Questionnaires issued Responses Response Rate Volume needed to achieve 60% Gap needed to achieve report
Health and Social Care 177,619 104,254 59% 105,683 1,429
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 14,373 8,449 59% 8,552 103
NHS Borders 3,408 1,809 53% 2,028 219
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 4,355 2,590 59% 2,591 1
NHS Fife 10,841 5,778 53% 6,450 672
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 43,420 23,356 54% 25,835 2,479
NHS Highland 10,296 5,276 51% 6,126 850
NHS Shetland 1,552 863 56% 923 60
NHS Tayside 14,014 8,147 58% 8,338 191
NHS Western Isles 996 516 51% 593 77

Teams with No Report

Overall the proportion of teams with No Report has risen from 33% in 2017 to 38% in 2018

2017 2018
Total Number of Teams 13,737 13,943
Total Number of Teams with No Report 4,537 5,300
% Teams with No Report 33% 38%

Teams with No Report are teams of more than 4 people who did not achieve a 60% response rate and Teams of 4 or less people that did not achieve 100% response rate. The level of no report by Board is as shown below. As might be expected, the Boards with no overall report have a higher incidence of team reports not being issued. Among Boards with no report the average level of teams with no reports was 42%, dropping to 33% among Boards with overall reports.

Board No report Total Teams Percentage
Health and Social Care 5,300 13,943 38%
Golden Jubilee Foundation 44 143 31%
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 11 72 15%
NHS 24 67 196 34%
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 322 964 33%
NHS Borders 108 246 44%
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 100 259 39%
NHS Education for Scotland 14 96 15%
NHS Fife 376 799 47%
NHS Forth Valley 170 486 35%
NHS Grampian 491 1,318 37%
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 1,278 3,117 41%
NHS Health Scotland 0 30 0%
NHS Highland 385 758 51%
NHS Lanarkshire 372 1,049 35%
NHS Lothian 706 2,052 34%
NHS National Services Scotland 54 328 16%
NHS Orkney 9 79 11%
NHS Shetland 66 150 44%
NHS Tayside 543 1,246 44%
NHS Western Isles 34 68 50%
Scottish Ambulance Service 129 395 33%
The State Hospital 21 92 23%

Two Boards (Western Isles and Highland) have 50% or more of their teams with no report and a further 5 Boards have over 40% of teams with no report (Borders, Fife, Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Shetland and Tayside)

There is no clear relationship between the size of the Board, its number of teams and the level of No Report.

Relationship between Number of Teams and No Reports

Each data point is an individual Board

Nor is there any obvious correlation between the EEI Score and percentage of No Report, though this is based only on those Boards that had a board level report including an EEI score.

Relationship between EEI Score and Percentage of Teams with No Report

Relationship between EEI Score and Percentage of Teams with No Report

Each data point is an individual Board


As a direct result of the drop in response rate, there is an increase in the number of Boards and Teams not receiving a report. This will potentially impact future engagement with iMatter, hence the recommendation to investigate the non-responses as noted previously.



Workforce Practice Admin
Liz Reilly
Catriona Hetherington 


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