
Health and social care staff experience survey 2022

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2022

Action Plans

Action Plans are a vital part of the iMatter process, where staff feedback is reviewed and actions are agreed to address staff concerns and opportunities for improvement. As the Team Story from the NHS Ayrshire & Arran Nurse Directorate says:

“The iMatter survey is an excellent tool for gathering this important staff feedback, and the action planning process gives our teams the opportunity to explore this and create their own improvement plans.”

iMatter Staying Connected

Across Health and Social Care 47% of teams have completed Action Plans within 8 weeks in 2022, this is an increase of 5 pps from 2021 (42%). In both years the window for completion has been set at 8 weeks having previously been 12 weeks. The table following shows Action Plan completion for each Board, both for 2021 and for previous years.

Teams completing an Action Plan 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022
Health and Social Care 43% 56% 58% 42% 47%
National Boards (Support)
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 72% 89% 73% 44% 61%
NHS Education for Scotland 73% 82% 93% 83% 80%
Public Health Scotland 55% 85%
NHS National Services Scotland 78% 76% 88% 90% 90%
National Boards (Patient-facing)
NHS Golden Jubilee 63% 71% 52% 74% 59%
NHS 24 14% 66% 54% 58% 56%
Scottish Ambulance Service 72% 86% 82% 41% 62%
The State Hospital 78% 55% 79% 59% 65%
Geographic Boards
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 54% 60% 55% 40% 49%
NHS Borders 26% 75% 70% 48% 44%
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 13% 46% 58% 20% 30%
NHS Fife 40% 42% 42% 52% 49%
NHS Forth Valley 26% 80% 72% 58% 58%
NHS Grampian 54% 49% 52% 37% 41%
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 44% 50% 57% 49% 49%
NHS Highland 29% 48% 49% 10% 30%
NHS Lanarkshire 48% 67% 77% 50% 50%
NHS Lothian 33% 60% 57% 15% 42%
NHS Orkney 81% 81% 70% 55% 39%
NHS Shetland 14% 45% 41% 36% 27%
NHS Tayside 39% 41% 47% 54% 42%
NHS Western Isles 12% 14% 13% 31% 31%

The variation in the level of Action Plan completion across the Boards is considerable ranging from only 27% of teams in NHS Shetland to 90% of teams in NHS National Services Scotland.

Whilst still below the average completion rate both NHS Highland and NHS Lothian have increased the proportion of teams with Action Plans considerably.

The chart below shows the movement in Action Plan completion rates from 2022 to 2021. NHS Orkney, NHS Golden Jubilee and NHS Tayside have reported the largest declines in Action Plan completion from last year.

Several Boards have increased considerably the proportion of teams completing Action Plans:

  • Public Health Scotland (up 30 pps to 85%)
  • NHS Lothian (up 27 pps to 42%)
  • Scottish Ambulance Service (up 21 pps to 62%)
  • NHS Highland (up 20 pps to 30%)
Bar chart showing the change in percentage of teams completing Action Plans between 2022 and 2021. From top to bottom, the results are: Health & Social Care, up 5%; Healthcare Improvement Scotland, up 17%; Education for Scotland, down 3%; Public Health Scotland, up 30%; National Services Scotland, no change; Golden Jubilee, down 15%; NHS 24, down 2%; Scottish Ambulance Service, up 21%; The State Hospital, up 6%; Ayrshire and Arran, up 9%; Borders, down 4%; Dumfries and Galloway, up 10%; Fife, down 3%; Forth Valley, no change; Grampian, up 4%; Greater Glasgow and Clyde, no change; Highland, up 20%; Lanarkshire, no change; Lothian, up 27%; Orkney, down 16%; Shetland, down 9%; Tayside, down 12%; and Western Isles, no change.

NHS Lothian took a number of successful actions this year to improve the level of Action Plan completion, including:

1. Reinstating iMatter Manager Awareness training sessions, on Teams. Over 100 managers have attended one of these events so far, and we have another two in the diary.

2. Senior managers across Lothian have been reminding their colleagues that this is a Staff Governance measure, and the Board’s expectation is that Action Plans will be completed, to close the iMatter cycle.

3. The introduction of sub level reporting has helped middle level managers to understand better what is happening in their Service areas, and offer additional support to their colleagues.

4. Presentations to our HR Relationship Leads and local Staff Partnership Leads to ensure that they are encouraging participation in the survey, but more importantly the results are discussed at Site Hospital Management meetings as well as Local Partnership Fora.

5. Ensuring local management teams are discussing iMatter at appropriate Governance meetings.

Action Plans also provide opportunity to share best practice. Ideas can be generated from seeing what has worked elsewhere. The Team stories also provide illustration of this. The NHS Dumfries & Galloway CAMHS Women & Childrens Team story is a great example of where a proven action has been brought from one team to another and then shared onwards.

“We introduced the Team Gratitude Board after discussing in the Prosocial/iMatter and Staff Wellbeing part of our Team Meeting. A member of our team had used a similar Board in a previous role and shared the benefits and impact it had there.

For us in CAMHS it has had a positive impact, with colleagues feeling appreciated and having a way to express their feelings in an easy and effective way. It also has been used by other services in the Willows, which was lovely to see. Showing appreciation towards others makes yourself feel good in return, which then impacts on your own wellbeing also. It's a win, win really!” iMatter NHS DG CAMHS Team



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