
Health and social care staff experience survey 2022

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2022

Appendix 2: Health & Social Care Partnership Staff Participating in iMatter 2022

Health Board H & SCP Number of social care staff Number of health care staff
NHS Ayrshire & Arran East Ayrshire 1,573 1,087
NHS Ayrshire & Arran North Ayrshire 1,513 1,765
NHS Ayrshire & Arran South Ayrshire 850 719
NHS Borders Borders 936 1,035
NHS Dumfries and Galloway Dumfries & Galloway 184 887
NHS Fife Fife 2,689 3,670
NHS Forth Valley Clackmannanshire & Stirling 733 420
NHS Forth Valley Falkirk 816 657
NHS Grampian Aberdeen City 467 1638
NHS Grampian Aberdeenshire 2,424 1,564
NHS Grampian Moray 794 921
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Inverclyde HSCP 1,040 576
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Renfrewshire HSCP 1,017 1,081
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde West Dunbartonshire HSCP 1,350 851
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde East Dunbartonshire HSCP 634 303
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde East Renfrewshire HSCP 653 444
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Glasgow City HSCP 6,456 5464
NHS Highland Argyll and Bute 674 1,536
NHS Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire 936 2,716
NHS Lanarkshire South Lanarkshire 677 1,665
NHS Lothian East Lothian 519 747
NHS Lothian Edinburgh 1,696 2,158
NHS Lothian Midlothian 666 744
NHS Lothian West Lothian 684 1051
NHS Shetland Shetland 756 316
NHS Orkney Orkney 701 341
NHS Tayside Angus 447 890
NHS Tayside Dundee 804 1,407
NHS Tayside Perth 551 954
Total 33,240 37,607



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