Health and social care staff experience survey 2022

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2022

Appendix 16: Staff Groupings Experience as an Individual

Staff Groupings Experience as an Individual 2022 Clear about my duties and responsibilities Get the information I need to do my job well Given time and resources to support my learning growth I have sufficient support to do my job well Confident my ideas and suggestions are listened to Confident my ideas and suggestion are acted upon Involved in decisions relating to my job Treated with dignity and respect as an individual I am treated fairly and consistently Get enough helpful feedback on how well I do my work I feel appreciated for the work I do My work gives me a sense of achievement
NHSScotland Staff 87 81 72 78 76 72 71 84 82 74 75 80
Administrative Services 86 80 75 80 77 74 72 86 84 77 77 80
Allied Health Profession 87 82 71 79 78 74 74 87 85 76 77 82
Ambulance Services 84 72 55 70 62 58 58 76 73 60 64 78
Health Science Services 85 78 67 76 73 69 68 83 80 71 72 80
Medical & Dental 87 81 71 74 73 69 71 83 81 72 74 81
Medical & Dental Support 87 81 74 79 73 70 69 83 80 73 74 80
Nursing & Midwifery 88 82 71 78 76 72 72 84 82 75 74 81
Other Therapeutic 85 81 72 79 79 75 75 88 85 76 79 82
Personal & Social Care 87 80 74 79 75 72 70 82 80 72 73 85
Senior Managers 88 82 76 80 85 81 83 89 88 83 84 85
Support Services 87 80 74 77 71 69 69 80 79 71 71 78
Local Authority Staff 87 80 73 79 76 73 71 84 83 76 75 82
Adult Services 86 79 72 79 76 72 70 84 82 76 75 83
Business Services 87 82 76 82 81 78 77 88 87 80 81 82
Children's Services 88 82 75 81 80 76 75 87 85 80 79 82
Criminal Justice 89 84 76 83 80 75 74 89 87 82 79 84
Older People Services 87 78 71 77 73 70 68 81 80 72 71 82
Senior Managers 90 84 77 80 88 84 85 89 89 83 84 87
Strategic Development 85 80 77 81 84 80 80 90 89 83 84 84



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