
Health and social care staff experience survey 2022

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2022

Team Results

EEI Score Distribution across Teams

Across the whole of Health and Social Care the distribution of teams across each of the score bands is as shown below. 75% of teams that received a report score in Strive to Celebrate (67-100). Across the whole of Health and Social Care there are only 22 teams that have an EEI score of 33 or less (less than 1% of all teams). Teams with 4 or less staff and a response rate of below 100% did not receive a report.

EEI Score Number of Teams Percentage of Teams
Strive & Celebrate (67-100) 11,686 75%
Monitor to Further Improve (51-66) 1,824 12%
Improve to Monitor (34-50) 203 1%
Focus to Improve (0-33) 22 <1%
No Report 1,829 12%
Total Health and Social Care 15,564 100%

The distribution of scores varies across Boards. Those with higher EEI scores overall have more teams scoring in Strive & Celebrate. All teams in Healthcare Improvement Scotland and NHS Education for Scotland that received a report scored within ‘Strive & Celebrate’. Scottish Ambulance Service has the greatest proportion of teams score in ‘Improve to Monitor’ (6%).

EEI Score Strive & Celebrate (67-100) Monitor to Further Improve (51-66) Improve to Monitor (34-50) Focus to Improve (0-33) No Report
Health and Social Care 75% 12% 1% <1% 12%
National Boards (Patient-facing)
NHS Golden Jubilee 74% 14% 1% 0% 11%
NHS 24 69% 9% 1% <1% 20%
Scottish Ambulance Service 50% 34% 6% 0% 10%
The State Hospital 81% 12% 1% 0% 6%
National Boards (Support)
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 94% 0% 0% 0% 6%
NHS Education for Scotland 90% 0% 0% 0% 10%
NHS National Services Scotland 89% 6% 0% 0% 5%
Public Health Scotland 90% 5% 0% 0% 5%
Geographic Boards
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 77% 10% 2% <1% 11%
NHS Borders 78% 12% 1% 0% 9%
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 75% 11% 2% 0% 12%
NHS Fife 77% 12% 1% <1% 9%
NHS Forth Valley 75% 13% 1% 0% 11%
NHS Grampian 79% 9% 1% <1% 11%
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 76% 12% 1% <1% 10%
NHS Highland 70% 13% 1% <1% 16%
NHS Lanarkshire 79% 10% 1% <1% 10%
NHS Lothian 72% 11% 1% <1% 15%
NHS Orkney 67% 18% 2% 1% 12%
NHS Shetland 85% 6% 0% 0% 9%
NHS Tayside 74% 11% 1% <1% 14%
NHS Western Isles 75% 18% 1% 0% 6%

No Report

As seen earlier 1,829 Teams (12%) did not receive a report. These are all teams with less than 5 members, where the required response rate of 100% has not been reached. The table above show the percentage of teams not receiving a report for each Board. The Boards in which the greatest proportion of teams received reports are:

  • The State Hospital (94%)
  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland (94%)
  • National Service Scotland (95%)
  • Public Health Scotland (95%)
  • NHS Western Isles (94%)

In contrast 20% of NHS 24 Teams did not receive a report, reflecting the smaller average team size.

Reports Issued

All Boards and teams with 5 or more staff now receive reports regardless of their response rate. Teams with 4 or less staff only receive a report if they have a response rate of 100%. The table following shows the proportion of teams in each Board receiving a report. This ranges from 80% of teams in NHS Golden Jubilee to 95% of teams in NHS National Services Scotland and Public Health Scotland.

The table also shows the number of teams overall and the proportion of those that are small teams. This illustrates differences across Boards with 55% of NHS Education for Scotland teams having 4 or less people, compared to only 95 of NHS Western Isles teams. The column to the right of the table shows the percentage of small teams within each Board that received a report. While across the whole of Health and Social Care 51% of small teams received a report, it varies from 29% of small teams in NHS Highland to 86% of small teams in The State Hospital.

Appendix 11 contains further information on team size and response rates.

Reports Issued Reports Issued Number of Teams Number of Small Teams % of all Teams % Small Teams Issued a Report
Health and Social Care 88% 15,657 3,396 22% 51%
National Boards (Patient-facing)
NHS Golden Jubilee 89% 175 55 31% 65%
NHS 24 80% 294 123 42% 48%
Scottish Ambulance Service 90% 517 119 23% 55%
The State Hospital 94% 69 28 41% 86%
National Boards (Support)
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 94% 66 20 30% 80%
NHS Education for Scotland 90% 202 111 55% 82%
NHS National Services Scotland 95% 381 84 22% 69%
Public Health Scotland 95% 20 4 20% 75%
Geographic Boards
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 89% 1,055 181 17% 51%
NHS Borders 91% 284 52 18% 50%
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 88% 312 61 20% 41%
NHS Fife 91% 922 210 23% 60%
NHS Forth Valley 89% 579 111 19% 45%
NHS Grampian 89% 1313 244 19% 42%
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 90% 3,306 592 18% 55%
NHS Highland 84% 811 172 21% 29%
NHS Lanarkshire 90% 1,089 174 16% 45%
NHS Lothian 85% 2,478 650 26% 45%
NHS Orkney 88% 129 36 28% 67%
NHS Shetland 91% 139 29 21% 59%
NHS Tayside 86% 1,449 334 23% 51%
NHS Western Isles 94% 67 6 9% 50%



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