
Health and Social Care Standards: my support, my life

Standards setting out what people should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland.

1: I experience high quality care and support that is right for me

Dignity and respect

1.1 I am accepted and valued whatever my needs, ability, gender, age, faith, mental health status, race, background or sexual orientation.

1.2 My human rights are protected and promoted and I experience no discrimination.

1.3 If my independence, control and choice are restricted, this complies with relevant legislation and any restrictions are justified, kept to a minimum and carried out sensitively.

1.4 If I require intimate personal care, this is carried out in a dignified way, with my privacy and personal preferences respected.

1.5 If I am supported and cared for in the community, this is done discreetly and with respect.


1.6 I get the most out of life because the people and organisation who support and care for me have an enabling attitude and believe in my potential.

1.7 I am supported to discuss significant changes in my life, including death or dying, and this is handled sensitively.

1.8 If I experience care and support in a group, the overall size and composition of that group is right for me.

Be included

1.9 I am recognised as an expert in my own experiences, needs and wishes.

1.10 I am supported to participate fully as a citizen in my local community in the way that I want.

1.11 I can be with my peers, including other people who use my service, unless this is unsafe and I have been involved in reaching this decision.

Responsive care and support

Assessing my care and support needs

1.12 I am fully involved in assessing my emotional, psychological, social and physical needs at an early stage, regularly and when my needs change.

1.13 I am assessed by a qualified person, who involves other people and professionals as required.

1.14 My future care and support needs are anticipated as part of my assessment.

1.15 My personal plan (sometimes referred to as a care plan) is right for me because it sets out how my needs will be met, as well as my wishes and choices.

1.16 As a child or young person needing permanent alternative care, I experience this without unnecessary delay.

Choosing my care and support

1.17 I can choose from as wide a range of services and providers as possible, which have been planned, commissioned and procured to meet my needs.

1.18 I have time and any necessary assistance to understand the planned care, support, therapy or intervention I will receive, including any costs, before deciding what is right for me.

Experiencing my care and support

1.19 My care and support meets my needs and is right for me.

1.20 I am in the right place to experience the care and support I need and want.

1.21 I am enabled to live in my own home if I want this and it is possible.

1.22 I can be independent and have more control of my own health and wellbeing by using technology and other specialist equipment.

1.23 My needs, as agreed in my personal plan, are fully met, and my wishes and choices are respected.

1.24 Any treatment or intervention that I experience is safe and effective.


1.25 I can choose to have an active life and participate in a range of recreational, social, creative, physical and learning activities every day, both indoors and outdoors.

1.26 I can choose to spend time alone.

1.27 I am supported to achieve my potential in education and employment if this is right for me.

1.28 I am supported to make informed lifestyle choices affecting my health and wellbeing, and I am helped to use relevant screening and healthcare services.

1.29 I am supported to be emotionally resilient, have a strong sense of my own identity and wellbeing, and address any experiences of trauma or neglect.

1.30 As a child, I have fun as I develop my skills in understanding, thinking, investigation and problem solving, including through imaginative play and storytelling.

1.31 As a child, my social and physical skills, confidence, self-esteem and creativity are developed through a balance of organised and freely chosen extended play, including using open ended and natural materials.

1.32 As a child, I play outdoors every day and regularly explore a natural environment.

Eating and drinking

1.33 I can choose suitably presented and healthy meals and snacks, including fresh fruit and vegetables, and participate in menu planning.

1.34 If I need help with eating and drinking, this is carried out in a dignified way and my personal preferences are respected.

1.35 I can enjoy unhurried snack and meal times in as relaxed an atmosphere as possible.

1.36 If I wish, I can share snacks and meals alongside other people using and working in the service if appropriate.

1.37 My meals and snacks meet my cultural and dietary needs, beliefs and preferences.

1.38 If appropriate, I can choose to make my own meals, snacks and drinks, with support if I need it, and can choose to grow, cook and eat my own food where possible.

1.39 I can drink fresh water at all times.



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