
Health and Social Care Standards: my support, my life

Standards setting out what people should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland.

2: I am fully involved in all decisions about my care and support

Dignity and respect

2.1 I can control my own care and support if this is what I want.

2.2 I am empowered and enabled to be as independent and as in control of my life as I want and can be.

2.3 I am supported to understand and uphold my rights.

2.4 I am supported to use independent advocacy if I want or need this.

2.5 If I need help managing my money and personal affairs, I am able to have as much control as possible and my interests are safeguarded.

2.6 I am as involved as I can be in agreeing and reviewing any restrictions to my independence, control and choice.

2.7 My rights are protected by ensuring that any surveillance or monitoring device that I or the organisation use is necessary and proportionate, and I am involved in deciding how it is used.


2.8 I am supported to communicate in a way that is right for me, at my own pace, by people who are sensitive to me and my needs.

Be included

2.9 I receive and understand information and advice in a format or language that is right for me.

2.10 I can access translation services and communication tools where necessary and I am supported to use these.

2.11 My views will always be sought and my choices respected, including when I have reduced capacity to fully make my own decisions.

2.12 If I am unable to make my own decisions at any time, the views of those who know my wishes, such as my carer, independent advocate, formal or informal representative, are sought and taken into account.

2.13 If a decision is taken against my wishes, I am supported to understand why.

2.14 I am fully informed about what information is shared with others about me.

2.15 I am enabled to resolve conflict, agree rules and build positive relationships with other people as much as I can.

2.16 If I am fostered, my foster family is supported to fully include me in family life.

Responsive care and support

2.17 I am fully involved in developing and reviewing my personal plan, which is always available to me.

2.18 I am supported to manage my relationships with my family, friends or partner in a way that suits my wellbeing.

2.19 I am encouraged and supported to make and keep friendships, including with people my own age.

2.20 If I need or want to move on and start using another service, I will be fully involved in this decision and properly supported throughout this change.


2.21 I take part in daily routines, such as setting up activities and mealtimes, if this is what I want.

2.22 I can maintain and develop my interests, activities and what matters to me in the way that I like.

2.23 If I need help with medication, I am able to have as much control as possible.

2.24 I make informed choices and decisions about the risks I take in my daily life and am encouraged to take positive risks which enhance the quality of my life.

2.25 I am helped to understand the impact and consequences of risky and unsafe behaviour and decisions.

2.26 I know how different organisations can support my health and wellbeing and I am helped to contact them if I wish.

2.27 As a child, I can direct my own play and activities in the way that I choose, and freely access a wide range of experiences and resources suitable for my age and stage, which stimulate my natural curiosity, learning and creativity.



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