
Health and Social Care Standards: my support, my life

Standards setting out what people should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland.

4: I have confidence in the organisation providing my care and support

Dignity and respect

4.1 My human rights are central to the organisations that support and care for me.

4.2 The organisations that support and care for me help tackle health and social inequalities.


4.3 I experience care and support where all people are respected and valued.

4.4 I receive an apology if things go wrong with my care and support or my human rights are not respected, and the organisation takes responsibility for its actions.

Be included

4.5 If possible, I can visit services and meet the people who would provide my care and support before deciding if it is right for me.

4.6 I can be meaningfully involved in how the organisations that support and care for me work and develop.

4.7 I am actively encouraged to be involved in improving the service I use, in a spirit of genuine partnership.

4.8 I am supported to give regular feedback on how I experience my care and support and the organisation uses learning from this to improve.

4.9 I can take part in recruiting and training people if possible.

4.10 As a child or young person unable to live with my immediate family, I can live with wider family members alongside my brothers and sisters if I want this and where it is possible and safe.

Responsive care and support

4.11 I experience high quality care and support based on relevant evidence, guidance and best practice.

4.12 I receive proper notice and I am involved in finding an alternative if the service I use plans to close or can no longer meet my needs and wishes.

4.13 I have enough time and support to plan any move to a new service.

4.14 My care and support is provided in a planned and safe way, including if there is an emergency or unexpected event.

4.15 I experience stability in my care and support from people who know my needs, choices and wishes, even if there are changes in the service or organisation.

4.16 I am supported and cared for by people I know so that I experience consistency and continuity.

4.17 If I am supported and cared for by a team or more than one organisation, this is well co-ordinated so that I experience consistency and continuity.

4.18 I benefit from different organisations working together and sharing information about me promptly where appropriate, and I understand how my privacy and confidentiality are respected.

4.19 I benefit from a culture of continuous improvement, with the organisation having robust and transparent quality assurance processes.

4.20 I know how, and can be helped, to make a complaint or raise a concern about my care and support.

4.21 If I have a concern or complaint, this will be discussed with me and acted on without negative consequences for me.

4.22 If the care and support that I need is not available or delayed, people explain the reasons for this and help me to find a suitable alternative.


4.23 I use a service and organisation that are well led and managed.

4.24 I am confident that people who support and care for me have been appropriately and safely recruited.

4.25 I am confident that people are encouraged to be innovative in the way they support and care for me.

4.26 If I have a carer, their needs are assessed and support provided.

4.27 I experience high quality care and support because people have the necessary information and resources.



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