
Health and Social Care Standards: my support, my life

Standards setting out what people should expect when using health, social care or social work services in Scotland.

5: I experience a high quality environment if the organisation provides the premises

Dignity and respect

5.1 I can use an appropriate mix of private and communal areas, including accessible outdoor space, because the premises have been designed or adapted for high quality care and support.

5.2 I can easily access a toilet from the rooms I use and can use this when I need to.

5.3 I have an accessible, secure place to keep my belongings.

5.4 If I require intimate personal care, there is a suitable area for this, including a sink if needed.


5.5 I experience a service that is the right size for me.

5.6 If I experience care and support in a group, I experience a homely environment and can use a comfortable area with soft furnishings to relax.

5.7 If I live in a care the premises are designed and organised so that I can experience small group living, including access to a kitchen, where possible.

Be included

5.8 I experience a service as near as possible to people who are important to me and my home area if I want this and if it is safe.

5.9 I experience care and support free from isolation because the location and type of premises enable me to be an active member of the local community if this is appropriate.

5.10 If I experience 24 hour care, I am connected, including access to a telephone, radio, TV and the internet.

5.11 I can independently access the parts of the premises I use and the environment has been designed to promote this.

5.12 If I live in a care home, I can control the lighting, ventilation, heating and security of my bedroom.

5.13 If I live in a care home, I can decide on the decoration, furnishing and layout of my bedroom, including bringing my own furniture and fittings where possible.

5.14 If I live in a care home and there are separate facilities for people who support and care for me, these are in keeping with the homely environment.

5.15 If I am an adult living in a care home I can choose to see visitors in private and plan for a friend, family member or my partner to sometimes stay over.

5.16 I am an adult living in a care home and restrictions to routine visiting are needed to prevent infection, I can nominate relatives/friends (and substitutes) to visit me.  My nominated relatives/friends will be supported by the care home to see me in person day-to-day and to be directly involved in providing my care and support if that is what I want.  

5.17 If I am an adult living in a care home, I can nominate relatives/friends (and substitutes), who will be supported by the care home to be directly involved in providing my day-to-day care and support if that is what I want.

Responsive care and support

5.18 The premises have been adapted, equipped and furnished to meet my needs and wishes.


5.19 My environment is secure and safe.

5.20 My environment is relaxed, welcoming, peaceful and free from avoidable and intrusive noise and smells.

5.21 My environment has plenty of natural light and fresh air, and the lighting, ventilation and heating can be adjusted to meet my needs and wishes.

5.22 I have enough physical space to meet my needs and wishes.

5.23 I am able to access a range of good quality equipment and furnishings to meet my needs, wishes and choices.

5.24 I experience an environment that is well looked after with clean, tidy and well maintained premises, furnishings and equipment.

5.25 If I live in a care home, I can use a private garden.

5.26 If I live in a care home and want to keep a pet, the service will try to support this to happen.

5.27 As a child or young person living in care home, I might need or want to share my bedroom with someone else and I am involved in this decision.

5.28 As an adult living in a care home, I have my own bedroom that meets my needs but can choose to live with and share a bedroom with my partner, relative or close friend.

5.29 As an adult living in a care home, I have enough space for me to sit comfortably with a visitor in my bedroom.

5.30 As an adult living in a care home, I have ensuite facilities with a shower and can choose to use a bath if I want. If I live in a small care home that has not been purpose built, I might need to share a bathroom with other people.



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