
Health Works A review of the Scottish Governments Healthy Working Lives Strategy A report on implementation May 2013

In 2009 the Scottish Government undertook a review of its health and work strategy and published Health Works, which outlined a range of actions for improvement. This report details the progress and outcomes of these actions three years on


Summary of Health Works actions

The actions appear in the order in which they are cited in the main text under the relevant section headings.

Supporting and promoting healthy workplaces

1. Action The Centre to work with DWP to develop and promote an enhanced advice line to small enterprises - by end 2009
2. Action The Centre to work with business organisations to develop and deliver a SME Healthy Working Lives Toolkit; and to work with clients to develop and promote compelling case studies
3. Action The Centre to work with Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise and local government Business Gateways to promote importance of workplace health and wellbeing to business success as part of advice given to clients; and to promote services of the Centre to clients as part of their business support
4. Action The Centre to work with the STUC to identify the scope for a programme to develop the wellbeing capabilities of trades union safety representatives
5. Action The Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives to develop a 3-year strategy and strategic business plan, informed by the conclusions of the independent review of the Centre and the conclusions of the review of the Healthy Working Lives strategy
25. Action Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives to work with DWP to develop advice for employers (and employees) on the implications of the new 'fitnote' - by April 2010

NHS and the Scottish Health Offer

6. Action Scottish Government, COSLA, NHSScotland and Jobcentre Plus in Scotland will work together to develop and embed a clearly defined 'Scottish Offer' for those with health barriers to work - by end 2010
15. Action Scottish Government to convene a group of senior NHS and healthcare professions representatives to take forward development of standards for the 'Scottish Offer' - by end 2009
16. Action Scottish Government to develop a HEAT target for health services for supporting people towards work - to implement in 2011-12

Developing standards, learning and sharing

7. Action The National Programme Lead for the Delivery Framework for Adult Rehabilitation, together with regional Rehabilitation Co-ordinators will ensure that all NHS vocational rehabilitation services adopt case management approaches
9. Action National Implementation Group of the Delivery Framework for Adult Rehabilitation to address adoption of vocational rehabilitation standards for NHS vocational rehabilitation services as part of the 'Scottish Offer' - by autumn 2010
10. Action Scottish Government will promote the adoption of good practice and learning from the Lanarkshire employability test site to NHS Boards and local authorities in the rest of Scotland
11. Action NHS Education for Scotland to appoint a Project Lead in Education and Practice Development for Vocational Rehabilitation - autumn 2009
12. Action Scottish Government and NHS Education for Scotland will deliver a programme for the development of the existing employability training pack and its delivery to healthcare and other professionals, seeking formal accreditation of training - autumn 2010
17. Action NHS Education for Scotland and Scottish Government to establish working group to develop national guidance on needs assessment - by end 2010
20. Action Scottish Government to work with STUC, SQA, education colleagues and others to identify scope for developing health and work messages in education resources

Partnership working

13. Action Membership of local Workforce Plus employability partnerships to be reviewed to ensure that health is represented at an appropriate level - by summer 2010
14. Action Scottish Government will undertake a mapping of existing NHS and other provider occupational health and vocational rehabilitation services - by autumn 2009
18. Action Territorial NHS Boards to work with local employability service providers to define the local pathway for providing support to those for whom health is a barrier to retaining or returning to work - by end 2010
19. Action Scottish Government, COSLA and NHSScotland to develop public sector mandate for Health Works for endorsement by Ministers and COSLA leaders - by end 2010
21. Action Scottish Government health and work unit to work with other Government directorates to identify and engage clinical networks on health and work - by end 2010
22. Action Territorial NHS Boards to work with local community planning partners to establish a clear agenda with assigned roles and leadership for health and work

Outcomes and measuring success

8. Action Evaluation of Vocational Rehabilitation pilots to be completed - autumn 2010
23. Action NHS Health Scotland and Scottish Government to complete development of the outcomes framework and performance management model for Health Works that demonstrates links to health improvement, health inequalities and economic development outcomes; to disseminate it to NHS Boards and Community Planning Partnerships - by summer 2010
24. Action Scottish Government and the Centre to work with NHS Boards to adopt a standardised, core database for health and work treatment - by March 2011


Email: Judy Gibson

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