Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining Our Strategic Approach: Equality Impact Assessment Record

The Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining our Strategic Approach was introduced by the Scottish Government to develop healthcare science in Scotland. This sets out a vision and ambitions for the profession, and also the key themes in which future work will be undertaken.

Stage 4: Decision making and monitoring

Identifying and establishing any required mitigating action

Have positive or negative impacts been identified for any of the equality groups?


Is the policy directly or indirectly discriminatory under the Equality Act 2010[4]?


If the policy is indirectly discriminatory, how is it justified under the relevant legislation?

Not applicable

If not justified, what mitigating action will be undertaken?

Not applicable

Describing how Equality Impact analysis has shaped the policy making process

This EQIA has supported development of the content for this work. Whilst it was clear that the paper to which this EQIA relates would not contain any actions or recommendations it has provided an opportunity to consider the impact on those with protected characteristics in the development of the Vision and the Strategic Ambitions. This will ultimately support improved outcomes for people across Scotland, as the way in which work is carried out will be cognisant of communities in the widest sense.

It has set the ground work for future activity which will take place under the Strategic Themes which are set out in the paper.

Monitoring and Review

As has already been described, this EQIA must be seen as a baseline to all future work which is due to take place in this space. Future papers will provide focus on specific actions which should be undertaken, and a robust EQIA process should be in place to inform the development of those recommendations/actions.



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