Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining Our Strategic Approach: Island Communities Impact Assessment

The Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining our Strategic Approach was introduced by the Scottish Government to develop healthcare science in Scotland. This sets out a vision and ambitions for the profession, and also the key themes in which future work will be undertaken.

Step one – develop a clear understanding of your objectives

Is the policy, strategy or service new?


What are the objectives of the policy, strategy or service?

The aim of the paper to which this impact assessment relates, is to set a strategic direction for healthcare science in Scotland – beginning to address issues of visibility and inclusion within service planning and delivery, to ensure healthcare science is fully embedded and therefore patient outcomes are improved.

This paper will layout key themes for future areas of work which will be set out in future papers.

Do you need to consult?

Yes – consultation about the shape and content of the paper was agreed as necessary.

How are islands identified for the purpose of the policy, strategy or service?

Island NHS Boards would be impacted in the same way as mainland NHS Boards for the purposes of this paper as it will set out a strategic approach for the whole of Scotland.

What are the intended impacts/outcomes and how do these potentially differ in the islands?

There is no specific negative impacts on island communities which have been identified at this stage as a result of this paper as there are no recommendations or actions being made.



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