Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining Our Strategic Approach: Island Communities Impact Assessment

The Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining our Strategic Approach was introduced by the Scottish Government to develop healthcare science in Scotland. This sets out a vision and ambitions for the profession, and also the key themes in which future work will be undertaken.

Step two – gather your data and identify your stakeholders

What data is available about the current situation in the islands?

There is limited data regarding the landscape of healthcare science within island NHS Boards – this is consistent with available data in mainland Boards. The purpose of this paper is to set the parameters for future work which will support gathering that data.

We are aware of particular challenges around recruitment and retention for staff working in island NHS Boards, but it is arguable these challenges exist within mainland Boards as well – particularly where these are in ‘rural’ areas of Scotland.

Do you need to consult? How does any existing data differ between islands?

Are there any existing design features or mitigations in place?

The work streams planned under this initial anchor paper will provide the framework for future engagement to further understand the landscape of healthcare science within the islands.

Further impact assessments will be undertaken as each work progresses in the future.



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