Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining Our Strategic Approach: Island Communities Impact Assessment

The Healthcare Science in Scotland: Defining our Strategic Approach was introduced by the Scottish Government to develop healthcare science in Scotland. This sets out a vision and ambitions for the profession, and also the key themes in which future work will be undertaken.

Step three – Consultation

Who do you need to consult with?

How will you carry out your consultation and in what timescales?

What questions will you ask when considering how to address island realities?

What information has already been gathered through consultations and what concerns have been raised previously by island communities?

Is your consultation robust and meaningful and sufficient to comply with the Section 7 duty?

A Strategic Reference Group comprised of a variety of stakeholders across Scottish Government; NHS Scotland and academia were involved in the development of the Strategic Approach paper. The Chief Executive of NHS Orkney sat on the Strategic Reference Group providing insight on the shape and content of the paper from an island NHS Board perspective.

An online survey was generated and distributed to seek the views of the wider workforce to help inform this paper. There was a free text box available for respondents to provide any comments. No specific comments relating to island communities were received as part of this exercise.



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