
Healthcare science: strategic approach

The approach we will take to develop healthcare science in Scotland. This sets out a vision and ambitions for the profession, and also the key themes in which future work will be undertaken.

A Renewed Vision for Healthcare Science in Scotland

As previously described, work has been undertaken in the past to raise the visibility and understanding of the healthcare science profession in Scotland. This has led to successes, but it is recognised that more can be done to capitalise on the unique contribution that the scientific workforce can make to positive outcomes for patients across Scotland.

The impact of the scientific workforce was distinctly clear during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare science specialisms adapted and led the delivery of essential services to support Scotland’s response. For example, Clinical Scientists and Biomedical Scientists were critical in increasing the capacity for COVID-19 testing; clinical engineers were crucial in the roll out of critical care equipment, ensuring it was fit for purpose; clinical physiologists adapted to assist ward and ITU staff ventilating patients, and public health scientists were pivotal in the understanding of the virus.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underlined, more than ever before, the undeniable need for scientific skill and knowledge to be utilised more effectively in the planning and delivery of health services. Therefore, it is essential to set out a clear and robust vision for healthcare science in Scotland – which makes clear the importance of the profession, and its’ role within a modern, future facing and science backed NHS Scotland.

To ensure that the contribution of the healthcare science workforce to the health of the population is maximised and that the workforce is fully recognised and valued. 2024–2034 vision for healthcare science in Scotland

This vision demonstrates the clear ambition to improve the outcomes of patients in Scotland, whilst addressing the central issue of ensuring that people know what healthcare science is, and understand the positive impacts the scientific workforce can make.

The vision also articulates the defining message that the Scottish Government wants to see healthcare science, and the scientific workforce, recognised within service planning to enable the NHS in Scotland to be more resilient and responsive to the changing needs around the delivery of services.

Despite the current financial context, which is extremely challenging, there is now an opportunity to maximise the potential of healthcare science in Scotland.



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