
A Healthier Scotland: Consultation on Creating a New Food Body - Responses

Responses to the consulation on the creation of a new food body for Scotland.

Supporting documents

NFB 002 - Food Solutions
NFB 003 - Mr John Dolan
NFB 004 - Kings College London
NFB 005 - Glasgow City Council
NFB 006 - Anonymous
NFB 007 - Royal College of General Practitioners
NFB 009 - Mr Ian Williams
NFB 010 - Dundee Council
NFB 011 - Aberdeenshire Council
NFB 012 - HUSH
NFB 013 - Glencoe Shellfish
NFB 014 - Anonymous
NFB 015 - Midlothian Council
NFB 016 - Craig Smith
NFB 017 - Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
NFB 019 - East Lothian Council
NFB 020 - Regulatory Review Group
NFB 021 - Frederick Michael Hessler
NFB 022 - BMA Scotland
NFB 023 - British Equine Veterinary Association
NFB 024 - DWQR
NFB 025 - Fresh Produce Consortium
NFB 026 - Renfrewshire Council
NFB 028 - NHS Health Scotland
NFB 029 - Citizens Advice Scotland
NFB 030 - Nancy Robson
NFB 031 - Cancer Research UK
NFB 032 - Peter Bowbrick
NFB 033 - Water Industry Commission for Scotland
NFB 034 - Association of Meat Inspectors
NFB 035 - Law Society of Scotland
NFB 036 - Fife Council
NFB 037 - Scottish Water
NFB 038 - Scottish Beekeepers Association
NFB 039 - South Lanarkshire Council
NFB 040 - SEPA
NFB 041 - Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation
NFB 042 - North Ayrshire Council
NFB 043 - NHS Ayrshire and Arran
NFB 045 - Scottish Retail Consortium
NFB 046 - Galloway & Macleod
NFB 047 - Seafood Scotland
NFB 048 - Menteith Group
NFB 049 - Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers
NFB 050 - National Fallen Stock
NFB 051 - NHS Grampian
NFB 052 - NHS Lanarkshire
NFB 053 - Water Uk
NFB 055 - UK Government
NFB 056 - Glasgow City Council
NFB 059 - Quality Meat Scotland (QMS)
NFB 060 - Highland Council
NFB 061 - Nourish Scotland
NFB 062 - Royal Society of Edinburgh
NFB 064 - SFQC
NFB 065 - Unison
NFB 066 - NHS Lothian
NFB 067 - Prospect Trade Union
NFB 067 - Prospect Trade Union -Terms of reference
NFB 068 - Scottish Food and Drink Federation
NFB 070 - Dairy UK
NFB 071 - Association of Public Analysts Scotland
NFB 072 - Scottish Food Enforcement Liaison
NFB 074 - Seafood Shetland
NFB 075 - NHS Public Health Nutrition Group
NFB 076 - The James Hutton Institute
NFB 077 - Shetland Island Council
NFB 078 - Scottish Grocers Federation
NFB 079 - British Potato Trade Association
NFB 081 - The Poverty Alliance
NFB 082 - British Heart Foundation Scotland
NFB 083 - NFU Scotland
NFB 086 - Soil Association Scotland
NFB 087 - Association for the study of Obesity
NFB 088 - Dr Margaret Gill
NFB 089 - NHS National Services Scotland
NFB 090 - NHS Tayside
NFB 091 - Stirling Council
NFB 092 - Unite the Union Scotland
NFB 093 - Children in Scotland
NFB 094 - Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)
NFB 095 - Scottish Countryside Alliance
NFB 096 - University of Abertay Dundee
NFB 097 - Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar
NFB 098 - West Dunbartonshire Council
NFB 099 - Argyll and Bute Council
NFB 100 - Moray Council
NFB 102 - North Lanarkshire Council
NFB 103 - Scottish Directors of Public Health
NFB 105 - Diabetes UK
NFB 106 - Scotch Whisky Association
NFB 107 - The British Horse Society
NFB 108 - British Hospitality Association Scotland
NFB 109 - The Royal Society of Chemistry
NFB 111 - Which
NFB 112 - SFAC
NFB 113 - Scotland for Animals
NFB 114 - British Dietetic Society
NFB 115 - Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce
NFB 116 - Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers
NFB 117 - British Veterinary Association
NFB 118 - Consensus Action on Salt & Health (CASH)
NFB 119 - Anonymous
NFB 120 - Scotland Food and Drink
NFB 122 - Falkirk Council
NFB 123 - Tesco Stores Ltd
NFB 124 - East Ayrshire Council
NFB 125 - Scottish Licensed Trade Association
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