Healthy eating in schools: supplementary guidance

Additional guidance on diet and nutrition for children and young people with additional support needs.

Annex E

Headteacher and staff at St Andrew's School, Inverurie
Depute Headteacher and staff at Calaiswood School, Dunfermline
Angela Edwards, Head of Education, Culture and Sport, Inverclyde Council
Headteacher and Staff at Hillside School, Cumnock

Working Group Members

Laura Wilson, Scottish Government
Lyndsey Fogg, Scottish Government
Robin Gourlay, Head of Service, East Ayrshire Council
Jim McCaffrey, Headteacher, Hillside School, Cumnock
Alison Porteous, Community Dietician, Forth Valley NHS
Shirley Beattie, Health and Nutrition Inspector, HM Inspectorate of Education
Julie Gray, Speech and Language Therapist, NHS Lothian

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