
Heat in buildings monitoring and evaluation Framework

A monitoring and evaluation Framework for the Heat in Buildings Strategy to help track progress against the strategy.

Annex B: Scottish Government delivery schemes and advice services

Domestic support:

Area Based Schemes

Scheme to reduce fuel poverty by enabling local authorities to design and deliver energy efficiency programmes in fuel poor areas. Primary focus on insulation measures for 'hard to treat' properties but includes clean heating and microgeneration measures as part of a 'whole house' approach.

Home Energy Scotland: Grant and Loan scheme

Grants up to £15,000 for heat pumps and energy efficiency measures. Loans are also available to cover additional costs. A rural uplift of £1,500 applies to both clean heating, such as heat pumps and energy efficiency grants.

Warmer Homes Scotland

Our national fuel poverty programme designed to help those living in or at risk of fuel poverty through the installation of measures such as insulation and clean heating systems.

Home Energy Scotland

Free independent advice and referral scheme.

Business support:

SME Loan and Cashback

The SME Loan and Cashback scheme provides interest free loans from £1,000 up to £100,000 to small and medium sized Scotland based businesses for the installation of energy efficiency measures and clean heating.

Business Energy Scotland

Free advice and support to SMEs for energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation.

Communities and public sector support:

Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES)

Advice and funding support for renewable energy.

Scottish Green Public Sector Estate Decarbonisation Scheme

The main government-led capital funding mechanism to support leadership for decarbonisation of buildings owned by the public sector. The scheme comprises four support elements for public sector bodies:

1. The Scottish Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme

2. The Scottish Public Sector Non-Domestic Energy Efficiency (NDEE) Frameworks and Project Support Unit (PSU)

3. The Scottish Central Government Energy Efficiency Grant scheme

4. Scotland's Public Sector Heat Decarbonisation Fund

Multi-sector support

Scotland's Heat Network Fund

Open to all public and private sector organisations, including support for new heat networks and the decarbonisation and expansion of existing heat networks.

District Heating Loan Fund

Support for the deployment of heat networks, as well as improving the efficiency of existing heat networks, and for non-domestic buildings to connect to heat networks. Open to social landlords, local authorities, SMEs and Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) with fewer than 250 employees.

Social rented sector support

Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund

Grants to social housing landlords for the retrofit of clean heating systems and energy efficiency measures across existing stock.

See District Heating Loan Fund.



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