
Heat in Buildings - national scheme: island communities impact assessment screening

A screening assessment of the requirement to complete a full island communities impact assessment (ICIA) in relation to the procurement of the a new National Heat in Buildings Scheme which will be the successor to Warmer Homes Scotland.

1. Step One - Develop A Clear Understanding of Your Objectives

  • What are the objectives of the policy, strategy or service?
  • Do you need to consult?
  • How are islands identified for the purpose of the policy, strategy or service?
  • What are the intended impacts / outcomes and how do these potentially differ in the islands?
  • Is this policy, strategy or service new?

The Heat in Buildings Delivery Unit is procuring the successor to the Warmer Homes Scotland scheme. The Warmer Homes Scotland contract is due to expire 30 June 2023. The new successor scheme is due to go live 3 July 2023

Warmer Homes Scotland retrofits privately occupied homes with heating systems and energy efficiency measures, including high heat retention electric storage heating systems, air source heat pumps, energy efficient gas boilers and a suite of highly effective insulation options. Eligibility for the scheme is targeted toward the fuel poor, with benefits eligibility, age and personal circumstances used as proxies for fuel poverty. Eligibility for the scheme is continuously reviewed to align it more closely with the fuel poor demographic.

The successor scheme will follow the same successful model as the existing scheme, of a contract with a Managing Agent to provide a consistent service nationally using a network of installers. The scheme aim has been refined to supporting the fuel poor through the heat transition.

The scheme will be accessible to all households in Scotland which will include island households where they meet the eligibility requirements for the scheme. The intended outcomes for island households are the same as that for mainland households - to deliver a fuel bill saving for those in fuel poverty and to decarbonise the heating system where it is not detrimental to our fuel poverty principles.

There are 6 Key Performance Indicator (KPI) regions within the existing contract and performance levels have to be reached across all regions in order for a performance linked fee to be paid. The new contract will continue to identify islands as a distinct group for measuring KPIs, ensuring the same high standard of performance is consistent across the country.

For the purposes of the scheme, island communities are defined using the Islands Act definition - "an island community as a community that consists of two or more individuals, all of whom permanently inhabit an island (whether or not the same island), and is based on common interest, identity or geography (including in relation to any uninhabited islands whose natural environment and terrestrial, marine and associated ecosystems contribute to the natural or cultural heritage or economy of an inhabited island)"



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