
Heat in Buildings - national scheme: island communities impact assessment screening

A screening assessment of the requirement to complete a full island communities impact assessment (ICIA) in relation to the procurement of the a new National Heat in Buildings Scheme which will be the successor to Warmer Homes Scotland.

4. Step Four - Assessment

  • Does your assessment identify any unique impacts on island communities? (Further detail in the Guidance)
    • Demographic
    • Economic
    • Gaelic
    • Social
  • Does your assessment identify any potential barriers or wider impacts?
  • How will you address these?

As referred to in Section 2 above, Island communities are likely to have a proportionally higher number of people that will be eligible for the scheme, and it is important that they are well served by Scottish Government fuel poverty schemes. Specific needs of island communities have been built into the existing scheme, and incorporated into the Lessons Learned for the design of the successor scheme. For example when reflecting on suitability of measures included in the scheme, we have specifically asked for feedback on the specific challenges faced in retrofitting buildings in rural and remote communities . Work undertaken under the core route of the scheme targeted at fuel poor households aims to improve energy efficiency and where possible provide fuel bill savings to support these households.

An SEA screening form has been submitted to highlight the potential environmental impact of microgeneration options included within the scheme. These will be subject to planning permission and so any specific considerations on natural environment impact for islands will be able to be considered on a case by case basis.

The contract for the scheme will be awarded to a sole supplier, but it is envisaged that the delivery will rely on a network of sub-contractors which is the delivery model for the current scheme. The Heat in Buildings Delivery Unit will be hosting a virtual suppliers event to inform potential contractors and sub-contractors of the upcoming tender of the scheme. This event will highlight these requirements, allowing sufficient lead in time for smaller companies to meet the requirements of the scheme. It will also provide networking opportunities at which smaller companies may decide to form Joint Ventures or develop sub-contractual relationships with a larger managing partner. .



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