
Heat in buildings strategy - achieving net zero emissions: consultation

Draft heat in buildings strategy consultation to gather evidence and views on our proposed actions to meet our climate change targets, whilst maximising economic opportunities, ensuring a just transition and addressing fuel poverty.

Annex B Summary of Consultation Questions

Chapter 2 – A 2045 Pathway for Scotland’s Homes and Buildings

1. To what extent do you support the pathway set out for achieving the 2045 net zero target and the interim 2030 target?

2. What are your views on any risks of unintended consequences from this pathway?

3. What are your views on our assessment of strategic technologies in low and no regrets areas to 2030?

4. What function should a new heat target serve?

5. How do you think a new heat target should account for the need to deliver against our statutory fuel poverty targets?

6. Do you agree that a new heat target should apply to heat in buildings, distinct from industrial heat?

7. What form should a new heat target take and why?

8. At what level should the target(s) be set and for what date?

Chapter 3 - People

9. What are the most significant actions we can take to ensure that Scotland’s people and organisations are meaningfully engaged in the net zero heat transition?

10. What in your view are the opportunities, if any, available to key organisations, such as local government, businesses and trade associations and community or other non-government organisations, in supporting this public engagement activity?

11. In your opinion, could any of the proposals set out in this strategy unfairly discriminate against any person in Scotland who shares a protected characteristic? (age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, sexual orientation, religion or belief).

12. In your opinion could any of the proposals set out in this strategy have an adverse impact on children’s’ rights and wellbeing?

13. What further action can we take to support people to make informed choices on the energy efficiency and heating options available to them?

14. What is your view on the current level of support and advice provided through existing services such as Home Energy Scotland and the Energy Efficient Business' Support service?

15. Are there any further suggestions that you could provide on how the customer journey through these delivery services could be improved, in light of the ambitions set out in this strategy?

16. What are the most appropriate steps we can take within our powers to ensure sufficient consumer protection for supported energy efficiency or zero emissions heat installations?

17. Do you have views on whether we should adopt the use of the UK government’s TrustMark quality assurance framework?

18. In your view, is there any further action that we, or other key organisations (please specify), can take to protect those on lower incomes, and those in or at risk of falling into fuel poverty, from any negative cost impact as a result of the zero emissions buildings transition?

19. What are your views on our approach to phasing out funding for fossil fuel heating systems by 2024 where it is not detrimental to our fuel poverty objectives? Do you think that this could be achieved any sooner than 2024, and if so how?

20. What changes can be made to the Strategy to help maximise positive impacts and minimise negative ones on people experiencing fuel poverty and other vulnerable groups?

Chapter 4 -Place

21. What are your views on how we can support place-based deployment of zero emissions heat within our delivery programmes?

22. What is your view on how best to engage, and support, local communities in the planning and implementation of the heat transition in their area?

23. What role do you think community anchor organisations could play in supporting the heat transition?

24. In your opinion, what steps can we take to ensure that policies set out in this strategy do not unfairly impact Island and other remote communities?

25. What is your view on the timescales proposed for LHEES?

26. Do you agree with the approach to LHEES set out above? If not, please give reasons to support this.

27. What are your views on what Permitted Development Rights might help enable in the heat transition, in addition to those we have already included in the Permitted Development Rights review programme?

Chapter 5 – Preparing our Energy Networks

28. In your view, is there further action that can be taken to ensure that our electricity systems are ready for heat decarbonisation? If yes, please provide further information.

29. What are your views on the changes set out above for the electricity networks and are there further actions that could be taken by government, the regulator or industry that would make these more cost effective? Please provide evidence to support any suggestions.

30. In your view, what changes are needed to ensure that those least able to pay, including those in fuel poverty, are not unfairly impacted by the transition in our electricity and gas networks?

31. What are your views on the changes set out above for the gas networks?

32. Are there further actions that could be taken by government or industry that you think would make the changes set out more cost effective? Please provide evidence to support any suggestions.

33. What evidence can you provide on the potential for heat networks in Scotland that can help inform a new ambition for deployment within the final Heat in Buildings Strategy?

34. What evidence can you provide on the potential for heat derived from energy from waste to qualify as low or zero emissions?

35. What views do you have on mechanisms to support this and the use of wider sources of waste heat?

36. With the sustainable market for heat networks described above in place by the early-2020s, are there any further gaps that must be filled to support subsequent delivery of heat networks? If so, what are these and are there particular types of organisation that would be key in filling these?

Chapter 6 – Kick-starting the Investment in the Transition

37. What are your views on the range of actions identified above to kick start the investment in the transition over the next 5 years?

38. Do you agree with the strategic funding priorities set out above?

39. In your view, should equal funding be allocated across these priorities or should certain priorities be weighted in terms of impact for Scotland?

40. What are the opportunities and challenges we face in maximising our £1.6 billion investment?

41. What are your views on the role of government funding over the next five years? For example, should it be focused towards significant increases in the volume of renewable heat and energy efficiency measures installed or more targeted at specific priority groups or technologies?

42. What are your views on how we can use our funding to leverage and encourage private sector and other forms of investment?

43. What are your views on the effectiveness of our existing delivery programmes in supporting different client journeys, including for those in or at risk of fuel poverty? (for example, landlords, home owners, non-domestic building owners – public and private, domestic and non-domestic tenants). In your opinion, are there any gaps in support?

44. Is there any action we can take to further tailor our support to meet the ambitions set out in this strategy, including in relation to fuel poverty? (Please include any evidence you may have to show what this might achieve.)

Chapter 7 – Working Towards a Long Term Market Framework

45. What are your views on the approach outlined above to take action towards a long-term market framework for net zero emissions in buildings?

46. What are your views on how we can achieve a fair and equitable cost distribution for the net zero transition, including ensuring we tackle fuel poverty?

47. What financing mechanisms are needed to encourage investment from householders, businesses and the private sector?

Chapter 8 – A Regulatory Framework

48. What are your views on the regulatory actions set out in the proposed regulatory framework?

49. What are your views on the timeframes set out for the application of the regulation set out above?

50. What are your views on how our Delivery Programmes could support compliance with regulation?

51. What other mechanisms/support may be required to ensure that regulation is fair and equitable for all?

Chapter 9 – The Economic Opportunity

52. What are your views on the plans set out to maximise the economic benefits to Scotland from the heat transition?

53. What role could technology-specific milestones (for example, by 2025) play in supporting supply chain development, and how should these milestone levels be developed?

54. Is there anything further that can be done to ensure that Scotland realises the economic opportunity available from the heat transition?

55. What more can be done to support the development of sustainable, high quality and local jobs in the heat and energy efficiency supply chain across the breadth of Scotland?

56. In your view, what are the opportunities and constraints presented by the role of the wider public sector in maximising the economic benefits to Scotland?

57. In recognition of the proposals in the forthcoming skills consultation, what further action can be taken to support skills development in Scotland over the lifetime of this strategy?

58. Are you aware of any barriers to the reskilling of existing oil and gas heating engineers to equip them to install low and zero emission heating?

59. How can we support the development of more opportunities for young people?

Chapter 10 – Working with the UK Government

60. To what extent do you agree that the issues identified must be addressed jointly by the UK and Scottish governments to unlock delivery in Scotland?

61. Are there any further areas where joint action is required, for example to ensure no one is left behind in the transition and fuel poverty is addressed?

Chapter 11 – Monitoring, Evaluation and Future Decision Making

62. Do you agree with our proposals for a monitoring and evaluation framework? If not, please state your reasons and suggested improvements.

63. What are your views on how lessons learned from heat and energy efficiency policy and programmes should be shared with the sector and key stakeholders to ensure that Scotland benefits from the public investment outlined above?

64. Finally, is there any other information you would like to provide us with that is relevant to the development of Scotland’s Heat in Building Strategy?

Environmental Report Consultation Questions

Consultation Questions have been included within the Environmental Report to help shape respondents views on the Strategic Environmental Assessment.

65. What are your views on the accuracy and scope of the information used to describe the SEA environmental baseline set out in the Environmental Report?

66. What are your views on the reasonable alternatives set out in the Environmental Report?

67. What are your views on the predicted environmental effects as set out in the Environmental Report?

68. What are your views on the findings of the SEA and the proposals for mitigation and monitoring of the environmental effects set out in the Environmental Report?

General questions

69. Is there any further information you wish to provide on the content set out in this draft Strategy?

70. Is there anything else you would like to highlight about the role, opportunities for, and constraints of, specific types of organisation (such as local government, other public sector, trade associations, individual business organisations, charities, environmental organisations, community groups) in contributing to the transition to zero emissions buildings, in particular over the next five to ten years?



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