
Heat in Buildings Strategy: 2022 update

An update on progress against our Heat in Buildings Strategy.


The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 requires Scottish Ministers to report annually on progress under their plan to promote renewable heat and energy efficiency in Scotland. The Heat in Buildings Strategy (HiBS), published in October 2021, is the latest such plan.

The HiBS included a provisional renewable heat target. We intend to seek views on this target, and the ways in which it might be amended to provide a more useful barometer of progress in decarbonising heat in Scotland’s buildings, as part of the consultation on our Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan (ESJTP) at the end of this year. We will confirm the target when the final ESJTP is published in 2023.

We will also publish an update to our heat statistics in May 2023 as part of the Climate Change Plan monitoring report, and continue to do so on this schedule thereafter. This will not only align with our climate change reporting, but will also provide more time to gather and review the necessary statistics.

The monitoring report published in May will include statistics for 2021 and 2022, while the most recent renewable heat statistics for 2020 are available from the Renewable heat target and action: 2021 update.

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