Scotland's Heat Network Fund: application guidance

Information on the Heat Network Fund, including eligibility and how to apply.

About the fund

Heat networks can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy bills to help tackle fuel poverty. They are used extensively across Europe. Currently, heat networks supply only 1.5% of heat in Scotland but are a key strategic technology for reducing emissions from heating our homes and buildings. 

 Scotland’s Heat Network Fund aims to stimulate and accelerate the delivery of heat networks that supply affordable, reliable and clean heat across Scotland through capital co-funding. 

It also aims to support: 

  • the delivery of emissions reductions and fuel poverty targets  

  • a secure supply chain across Scotland and help people to transition to new sustainable jobs as part of a just transition  

  • the delivery of heating systems that utilise Scotland’s renewable energy sources  

  • the delivery of heat networks that enable flexible and stable operation of our energy networks. 






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