Scotland's Heat Network Fund: application guidance
Information on the Heat Network Fund, including eligibility and how to apply.
How applications are assessed
Mandatory criteria to evidence the application meets the Fund objectives
You must be able to demonstrate the following:
1. Contribution to our zero direct emissions heat targets
It is mandatory that the proposed project aligns with Scotland’s net zero ambitions. To successfully meet this criterion, the application should contain robust evidence of the ability of the project to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland. This generally means carbon calculations which estimate the reduction in carbon dioxide equivalent for the project in comparison to the existing heat sources or the counterfactual new option. Projects that demonstrate carbon savings using robust methodology will receive a higher score in application assessment.
Low scoring applications will not demonstrate the SHNF grant will result in carbon savings or will have included carbon savings calculations that are poorly referenced and are unreliable.
Strong applications will demonstrate an attempt to maximise the carbon savings of the project within the eligible grant amount, providing good value for money of public funds.
Carbon dioxide equivalent calculations
The use of fuels lead to emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and small quantities of other greenhouse gases– including methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). For a given quantity of a gas, the equivalent quantity of CO2 that would be needed to give the same greenhouse effect can be calculated using its ‘global warming potential’. This quantity is quoted in units of kilograms carbon dioxide equivalent (kgCO2e) and factors are published by the UK Government. The energy conversion factors are quoted as total direct per unit of fuel.
These factors are used to calculate the carbon footprint of the counterfactual case or conventional fuel source/s and the heat network project proposal. The applications should clearly show the potential savings or carbon footprint reduction.
This can be calculated using the method below:
1. Counterfactual energy use (kWh) x energy conversion factor for fuel source = Business as Usual kgCO2e emissions
2. Heat network project energy use (kWh) x energy conversion factor for fuel source = Heat network Project kgCO2e emissions
3. Counterfactual l kgCO2e emissions – heat network project kgCO2e emissions = Savings in kgCO2e emissions resulting from the heat network project
Carbon models should include:
1. Use of the latest government emission factors
2. Emissions over the time period of the expected life of the equipment/installation
3. Annual break down of emissions
4. Energy use of project throughout lifetime.
5. Emissions for the counterfactual
6. Absolute figures for emissions reduction from counterfactual
7. Clear sources for all calculations, with references provided as web links or as attachments (in the case of specs or reports)
8. Presentation in an excel sheet showing formulas.
9. Evidence for assumptions including energy specs for technologies to be installed including coefficient of performance, estimated energy use etc.
10. List of assumptions e.g. % use of system
11. Consideration of grid electricity decarbonisation in the future
Any other carbon calculation methodology provided should be understandable and well-referenced. Underlying assumptions should be clearly explained as these will be checked during the due diligence process.
2. Confirmation of other sources of funding/finance
As the SHNF will provide grant for up to 50% of the total eligible CAPEX, applications must demonstrate the sources of funding for the rest of the CAPEX.
To successfully meet this criterion, projects must provide evidence of match funding. It is not the purpose of SHNF to provide grant offers which can then be used to attract investors to the project. This is because if sources of funding have not been agreed, there is a significant risk that the project will not proceed. We understand that some applicants may not have fully approved, legally binding, funding commitments at the time of application. If this is the case, applicants must provide the strongest possible evidence demonstrating funding has been approved in principle.
Depending on the source of match funding, evidence at application stage should include:
- a Letter of Intent or a Heads of Terms from local authority, partner organisation, bank or loan scheme (signed and dated)
- confirmation of other sources of grant funding awarded
- signed letter from CFO/CEO confirming budget availability and commitment
- detail of what conditions will need to occur for match funding to be provided
Legally binding agreements are not necessarily expected at the time of application. For successful projects, providing this evidence will be a condition of the grant and included as a milestone in the grant offer letter. This milestone must be met before grant can be drawn down.
The legitimacy of match funding agreements will be scrutinised during due diligence checks.
Financial statements should be provided alongside the application for the applicant, any parent companies and, if applicable, any delivery partners that are investing in the project. Signed and audited (if applicable) accounts/financial statements for the previous two years should be provided.
The total funding contribution for the heat network project from Scottish or UK Government funding programmes should be 50%. Therefore, if the application requests SHNF funding of 50% of eligible CAPEX, other Scottish or UK Government sources cannot be used. This is excluding loans, which can be used as a source of funding if the grant is at 50% of CAPEX.
Without evidence of match funding, the application will receive a low score and will be unlikely to receive a grant offer due to the uncertainty of funding sources.
3. Additionality and requirement for grant support
The SHNF will only support projects that would not progress without grant funding or would not progress to the same scale. This is to ensure SHNF results in additional benefit. To successfully meet this criterion, the project must make a clear case for the additionality that would result from a grant offer with supporting evidence.
Applicants should use the section on additionality to describe the impact that SHNF support will have on progressing the project.
The following factors should be considered to demonstrate the additionality of grant:
- availability of capital
- ability to reduce carbon emissions
- ability to accelerate project construction
- the financial feasibility of the project and ability to attract investment
Evidence should be provided to support the application’s case on additionality. This should show the funding currently available to the project and support any other arguments raised on additionality.
As part of this evidence, all projects must submit a detailed financial model in support of their application. It is expected that the financial model:
- ties in to the figures set out in the application
- covers the construction and commissioning period on a monthly basis and the operating period on a quarterly basis
- shows all expected capital expenditure, showing a monthly profile of the construction and commissioning phase
- shows all finance cashflows (debt, equity, grants etc.), including a monthly drawdown profile of the construction and commissioning phase, interest payments, dividend and repayments
- includes a return on investment calculation in the form of IRR and NPV calculations, and shows any debt servicing ratios where the project has external debt / equity
- includes all expected revenues (including incentives) for the project with each line item shown separately
- includes all expected costs of the project with each line item shown separately and operating costs each modelled to account for appropriate indexation (e.g. inflation, or wages and salaries growth), based on forecasts from a reputable source (e.g. the OBR’s latest forecast for RPI or wages and salaries growth)
- includes consideration of the impact of taxes such as business rates;
- is dynamic (i.e. calculations do not contain hardcoded figures) and allows for sensitivity testing of key assumptions (including inflation)
- includes a databook and assumptions
The financial model should also demonstrate the project’s funding gap. This is an important measure to show the additionality that will result from grant support and ensure that the value of the grant is appropriate. Depending on the project, this can be demonstrated by:
- showing the grant required to bring the Internal Rate of Return, or other appropriate financial metric, up to investors’ hurdle rate. This should also include evidence of the hurdle rate (i.e. the minimum level of financial return a project would need to make) of the organisation(s) that will provide funding
- showing the difference in cost between the proposed heat network project and the counterfactual. For example, if a project is installing a communal heating system, comparing this to how much it would cost to install individual heating systems. Evidence should be provided on the capital and operation costs of the counterfactual, including the consumer’s heating costs
4. Commitment to the Fair Work criteria
Fair Work First is the Scottish Government’s policy for driving good quality and fair work in Scotland.
Please use this section in the application form to confirm that the project will commit to Fair Work First practices or evidence existing commitment to Fair Work Practices. A strong application will identify practical and measurable actions. Highlighting barriers and challenges that you must overcome will also be of value. There are seven principles in the Fair Work Framework:
- payment of at least the real Living Wage
- provide appropriate channels for effective workers' voice, such as trade union recognition
- investment in workforce development
- no inappropriate use of zero hours contracts
- action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace
- offer flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment
- oppose the use of fire and rehire practice
For more information on the seven principles and practical examples, please read Fair Work First Criteria: What It Means In Practice. The examples given are not prescriptive or exhaustive. The principles will manifest in different ways in different workplaces, balancing the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
The Fair Work First approach should be progressive, relevant and proportionate, taking into account the type of organisation, its size and sector, and how much progress has already been made in adopting fairer work practices. Organisations can use the Fair Work Employer Support Tool to understand fair work practices and access support to enable them to strengthen their approach.
Fair Work requires employers to go beyond statutory employment rights and protections. The principles of Fair Work hold true for all workers: direct employees as well as others who are paid to work for and on behalf of an organisation.
5. Provision of heat at an affordable cost
It is essential that projects supported by SHNF align with the Scottish Government’s objective to eradicate fuel poverty. Applications must demonstrate that heat is provided at a cost that is affordable to consumers.
A strong application will show how the cost of heat provided by the heat network compares to the Alternative Zero Direct Emissions Heat option(s) and demonstrate that the project will help prevent or alleviate fuel poverty.
A weak application will have made no attempt to evidence the affordability of the heat network project in comparison to other zero direct emissions options or will have made this comparison but shown the heat network will be more expensive to consumers than other zero direct emissions options.
The Alternative Zero Direct Emissions Heat option is the alternative zero direct emissions option that could be installed if the heat network project does not progress. Examples of this alternative option could include individual air source heat pumps or electric heaters.
Applications should include the following information and relate back to the financial model:
- a description of the methodology used to set tariffs and vary them over time when accounting for changing costs
- detail on the tariffs to be charged to heat consumers must be provided. Where applicable, this should include the heat sale price in pence per kWh
- modelling of tariffs over at least a 20 year period, showing tariff’s relationship with the cost of providing heat
- if different tariffs will be used for different consumer groups (e.g. social housing, private residential, non-domestic) then the proposed tariffs should be included for each type of consumer
- comparison of tariffs with the Alternative Zero Direct Emissions Heat option that would be installed if a grant is not received for the heat network project
For projects where consumers will be purchasing heat from the heat network, applicants must also supply evidence of Heat Trust compliance. Heat Trust is an independent, non-profit consumer champion for heat networks. It works with suppliers to promote best practice, innovation and continuous improvement in customer service. It also applies strict customer service standards to heat suppliers, like those for traditional gas and electricity suppliers, and provides access to an independent dispute resolution service through the Energy Ombudsman.
Projects can apply for Heat Trust membership and will receive a Scheme Membership Certificate. As a minimum, applicants are expected to have registered as a participant of the Heat Trust and registered the site before the first connections to the heat network are made.
6. Positive impact on Scotland’s skills and supply chain
A strong application will demonstrate the positive impact the project will have on jobs, skills and supply chain in Scotland. The application should, where possible, quantify the economic impact of the overall project to Scotland. Details of positive economic impact should seek to cover:
- whether the project’s procurement approach will facilitate Scottish contractors through the supply chain - for example, where a grant is awarded to a public body using the Public Contracts Scotland website to advertise for prime and encouraging prime and other major contractors to procure subcontractors using PCS
- the proportion of capital (construction and equipment) and operational expenditure expected from Scottish based suppliers; please list your key Scottish suppliers
- the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs, split between direct employees and contracted workers
- the number of apprentices expected to be recruited, and details of any training programmes planned
- details of any innovative technology and approaches being applied (that could subsequently be replicated elsewhere)
- any other economic benefits associated with the project
The application will receive a high score if you can provide positive responses and evidence for all the above. Where it is not possible to quantify the economic impact of the project, the application should clearly articulate how the project is expected to deliver a positive and significant economic impact to Scotland.
For projects led by public bodies, the Public Contracts Scotland website should be used to advertise contracts as per the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014. Projects are encouraged to go beyond the minimum obligation to advertise prime contracts via this route and extend this to advertising subcontracts on the PCS where possible. This is not intended to cut across any supply chain arrangements that the prime contractor may already have in place but, rather, to offer more opportunities to local suppliers including SMEs, the third sector and supported businesses to win contracts within the heat network supply chain.
7. Grant to be fully drawn down by March 2026
Grant funding must be fully drawn down by March 2026. Projects commissioning after this date must do so within an appropriate timeframe agreed with the Scottish Government.
The project’s ability to meet this criterion must be evidenced by providing a project programme. A strong application will provide a project programme that sets out clear timescales and phases including:
- the procurement
- design
- consents
- construction
- installation
- commissioning
- milestones
- critical path
- deliverables
Further detail of this requirement is provided in the supporting evidence section of 'How to apply'.
8. Alignment with the local authority Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)
The Scottish Government's Heat in Buildings Strategy makes clear the need to ensure that, by 2045, our homes and buildings no longer contribute to climate change, while also tackling fuel poverty. Delivering this transformation will require coordinated effort across national and local government, as well as the wider public and private sectors. Locally-led planning will be key to ensuring that the decarbonisation of heat in buildings is delivered in a way that is relevant to local contexts and tailored to the specific needs of communities.
To help achieve this and in line with the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (Scotland) Order 2022, all local authorities will have a duty to prepare, publish and update a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan (LHEES). Most local authorities have now published their LHEES, however, some are still in the final drafting stages.
LHEES reports should highlight areas within a local authority where heat networks present a potential decarbonisation option.
SHNF applications should show consideration of the relevant local authority’s LHEES strategy within the project rationale. We note that all LHEES have not been published yet – we will advise on any alternative steps where necessary.
(Strong applications will demonstrate that they have considered, where applicable, whether the project aligns with the relevant LHEES and provide evidence to support this.)
Demonstrating value and project delivery
Applications are also assessed in relation to wider requirements of Scottish Government grant funding, to ensure the project represents value for money and that appropriate methods will be in place to deliver the project successfully.
1. Demonstration of Value for Money
A strong application will demonstrate overall value for money considering the grant requested and the objectives of Scotland’s Heat Network Fund. The lead organisation should confirm how its internal governance has identified that the proposal provides best value. As part of the options appraisal, both socioeconomic and quantitative metrics should be highlighted to provide a clear picture of why the solution was chosen as the best value for money option.
Factors to consider when evaluating whether a project provides value for money include:
- carbon emissions saved (particularly for retrofit projects)
- tackling fuel poverty
- how it benefits the resilience and flexibility of the wider energy system
- developing Scottish skills and supply chains
- the scale of heat network deployment being achieved in the current phase and potential for expansion
- the additional benefits in comparison to the alternative heating system that will be used if a grant is not provided
Consideration will also be given to the type of project, for example whether it is new-build or retrofit, if it’s urban or rural and the number of buildings (or building units) being connected.
2. Demonstration of appropriate governance and long-term viability
A strong application will demonstrate there is appropriate governance in place for the project construction and ongoing management of the heat network. The application must also evidence that the heat network is financially and technically viable over the long-term to provide comfort that the system will provide a reliable supply of heat to end users.
The application should provide details on who will be responsible for day-to-day management of the project and what the long-term governance strategy is. In addition, evidence of the project team skills, with previous experience and examples of similar project delivery should be provided alongside a comprehensive list of skills gaps where appropriate with identification of how each gap will be filled.
3. Demonstration of consideration and mitigation of potential risks
A strong application will consider and demonstrate how they plan to manage risks associated with the delivery, operation and ongoing management of the project. Applicants should identify risks and mitigation measures for the heat network project specifically and any other activities which may impact the project.
Further detail on the requirements of the risk register is outlined in the ‘How to Apply’ section under supporting evidence.
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