Heat Network Support Unit: support guidance

Information on the Heat Network Support Unit, including eligibility and how to apply.



Please note that the Heat Network Support Unit is no longer accepting applications for funding for the 2024 to 2025 financial year. The HNSU can still accept applications for advisory-only support and we welcome discussions on potential future applications.

The Heat Network Support Unit (HNSU) supports the growth of large-scale heat network projects in Scotland. It does this by addressing key challenges in the pre-capital stages of project development and building capacity across the public sector to deliver successful heat network projects through grant funding and expert advice. The HNSU is sponsored and managed by the Scottish Government, with partners Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) and Zero Waste Scotland (ZWS) providing a range of support services.

Heat networks

Heat networks include both district and communal heating, as defined by the Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021. 

A ‘district heat network’ is defined as a network where thermal energy is distributed from one or more sources of production to more than one building. 

A ‘communal heating system’ is a system where thermal energy is distributed from one or more sources of production to one building comprising more than one building unit. 

Heat networks are, and will be, an important part of the solution to deliver clean heating our homes and buildings. Read more about our heat network policy.

Heat Network Support Unit

The Heat Network Support Unit (HNSU) supports the development of heat network projects in Scotland. It does this by offering grant funding and expert advice throughout the pre-capital stages of development. We are working on building a project pipeline to meet our targets and to build capacity within the public sector to lead on, invest in and deliver heat network projects.

We are also exploring ways to bring in additional resource and investment into the heat network market. This includes through alternative commercial structures which can support multiple objectives and provide certainty to the sector. The Heat Network delivery models report (February 2024) assesses the potential roles that a range of delivery models could play in helping to deploy heat networks at a greater pace and scale by leveraging private investment and skills.

HNSU funding

The HNSU can offer grant funding for:

  • feasibility studies
  • outline business cases
  • strategic heat network support for local authorities

Support is tailored to the organisation and individual project needs however engagement and co-ordination lies at the heart of every project.

All HNSU funding is subject to availability and is offered on a first come first serve basis. In situations where financial support is unavailable or unsuitable, support in the form of advice or guidance may be available. The HNSU also welcome applications for advisory support only.

Projects supported by the HNSU can be found in the Heat Networks Quarterly Reports.

Following project development funding from the HNSU, a heat network project may be capital ready. The Scottish Government is delivering Scotland’s Heat Network Fund to support the roll out of heat network projects across Scotland.

Sign up to the HNSU Newsletter to keep up to date with our latest news and events.


Email: heatnetworksupport@gov.scot

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