Heat Network Support Unit: support guidance

Information on the Heat Network Support Unit, including eligibility and how to apply.

Who can apply


Please note that the Heat Network Support Unit is no longer accepting applications for funding for the 2024 to 2025 financial year. The HNSU can still accept applications for advisory-only support and we welcome discussions on potential future applications.

We welcome applications from local authorities and other public sector organisations, applications from social housing organisations will be considered on an ad-hoc basis. Any other organisations seeking support should email heatnetworksupport@gov.scot in the first instance.

Feasibility study and outline business case support eligibility criteria

It is anticipated that eligible projects will demonstrate the following qualities: 

  • ability to demonstrate a contribution to delivery of ambitions to decarbonise Scotland’s heat demand at scale
  • ability to demonstrate compatibility with Scotland’s Heat in Buildings Strategy and the relevant local authority’s Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)
  • the potential to have a positive and significant social and economic impact on Scotland
  • the potential to have a positive and significant impact on skills and supply chain in Scotland
  • ability to demonstrate additionality, i.e. the need for grant support from the Heat Network Support Unit, including clear evidence of any funding gap to develop the project to the relevant next stage
  • ability to provide confirmation of sources of funding/finance that will contribute towards the final capital delivery costs of the project
  • ability to demonstrate organisational commitment to the project at Director level or above
  • ability to demonstrate organisational commitment to the Fair Work First criteria


Desirable criteria that may have the potential to be demonstrated by eligible projects: 

  • demonstrate clear plans for community and consumer engagement
  • demonstrate a potential for replication and an intended route to commercialisation [should demonstration prove successful or a plan for integration into business as usual]
  • demonstrate that the organisation seeks to build internal capacity to support the future delivery of heat networks

Strategic heat network support for local authorities eligibility criteria

It is anticipated that applications will demonstrate the following qualities: 

  • ability to demonstrate a contribution to delivery of ambitions to decarbonise Scotland’s heat demand at scale
  • ability to demonstrate compatibility with the relevant local authority’s published Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)
  • the potential to inform decision-making that will have a positive and significant social and economic impact on Scotland
  • the potential to inform decision-making that will have a positive and significant impact on skills and supply chain in Scotland
  • ability to demonstrate additionality, i.e. the need for grant support from the Heat Network Support Unit, including clear evidence of any funding gap to develop the work within scope
  • ability to provide confirmation of sources of funding that will partially contribute towards the costs of this work
  • demonstrate clear plans for local and market engagement
  • demonstrate that the organisation seeks to build internal capacity to support the future delivery of heat networks
  • ability to demonstrate organisational commitment at CEO level
  • ability to demonstrate organisational commitment to the Fair Work First criteria 


Email: heatnetworksupport@gov.scot

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