
Heat Networks (Scotland) Bill: EQIA

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the Heat Networks (Scotland Bill).


1. Piping Hot: Building Heat Networks to Tackle the Climate Emergency, Scottish Renewables, November 2019.

2. Consultation on Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating, the Scottish Government, 24 January 2017.

3. Scotland's Energy Efficiency Programme: Second Consultation on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District and Communal Heating, the Scottish Government, 14 November 2017.

4. Scottish house condition survey: 2018 key findings, the Scottish Government, 21 January 2020

5. Scottish household survey 2018: annual report, the Scottish Government, 10 September 2019

6. Mid-year Population Estimates Scotland, Mid-Year 2018, National Records of Scotland, 25 April 2019.

7. Heat Network Consumer Survey: Results Report, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, 7 December 2017.

8. Heat Policy Statement: Equality Impact Assessment, the Scottish Government, 2 July 2015.

9. Scottish Government Evidence Gathering Report: Evidence assessment for the implementation of heat networks regulation in Scotland, KPMG 13 December 2019

10. In respect of this protected characteristic, a body subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty (which includes Scottish Government) only needs to comply with the first need of the duty (to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010) and only in relation to work. This is because the parts of the Act covering services and public functions, premises, education etc. do not apply to that protected characteristic. Equality impact assessment within the Scottish Government does not require assessment against the protected characteristic of Marriage and Civil Partnership unless the policy or practice relates to work, for example HR policies and practices.



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