
Decarbonising heat: policy statement

This Heat Policy Statement 2015 (HPS) sets out how low carbon heat can reach more householders, business and communities and a clear framework for investment in the future of heat in Scotland.

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The Heat Policy Statement (HPS) sets out our future policy direction for addressing the three key aspects of the heat system:

  • how we use it (heat demand and its reduction)
  • how we distribute and store it (heat networks and heat storage)
  • where our heat comes from (heat generation)

Each of these aspects of the heat system is addressed by three specific objectives as set out in our heat hierarchy: reducing the need for heat, supplying heat efficiently and at least cost to consumers, and using renewable and low carbon heat.

It also discusses how we might stimulate potential investment to deliver de-carbonised heat through growing and emerging sectors such as district heating and geothermal, and support industries and business sectors through identifying opportunities for heat efficiency, heat recovery, and renewable sources.

It retains the level of ambition to achieve 1.5TWh of Scotland's heat demand to be delivered by district or communal heating and to have 40,000 homes connected by 2020.

Doing so will make a significant contribution to meeting Scotland's climate change targets and support the delivery of our renewable heat target.


Decarbonising heat: policy statement
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