
Heat Pump Sector Deal Expert Advisory Group: Scottish Government response

The Expert Advisory Group was formed to make recommendations to Scottish Ministers on the scope of a potential Heat Pump Sector Deal for Scotland. This publication outlines our response to the recommendations made in their final report.

Ministerial Foreword

Heat pumps are one of the key strategic technologies required to support the transition to Green Heat in Scotland. Although we currently have a strong foundation, with around 4000 units installed annually, achieving our ambitions set out in our Heat in Buildings Strategy will mean we must scale up and accelerate the deployment of zero emission heating systems at a rapid pace.

The Scottish Government are committed to working with industry to achieve these targets and so, in October 2020 we convened an Expert Advisory Group (EAG) of stakeholders from across industry to better understand the actions that are required to develop a high volume heat pump supply chain in Scotland. The EAG provided a series of recommendations within the Heat Pump Sector Deal Expert Advisory Group Report[1], published in December 2021, on the potential scope of a Heat Pump Sector Deal.

We are encouraged to see the group call for action across both government and industry, and we recognise that a long term collaborative effort is required to unlock progress towards our aims. In our Heat in Buildings Supply Chains Delivery Plan: Towards an Industry for Green Heat, we outline our vision to build upon the current foundation to establish a strong Green Heat sector - providing zero emissions heat to properties with high thermal performance at a price which is affordable to consumers - along with the actions we are taking to create the ecosystem required to foster further supply chain development and drive forward the Green Heat Transition.

I wish to thank the EAG for their hard work and commitment in formulating their report. Their advice has been vital in informing and shaping our support for the developmental needs of the heat pump sector and wider Green Heat Industry. In this document we outline our full response and the steps we are taking to address the opportunities and challenges outlined within their report.

Patrick Harvie MSP
Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights



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