
Heat Pump Sector Deal Expert Advisory Group: Scottish Government response

The Expert Advisory Group was formed to make recommendations to Scottish Ministers on the scope of a potential Heat Pump Sector Deal for Scotland. This publication outlines our response to the recommendations made in their final report.

Recommendation 13

The heat pump sector in Scotland should embrace the need for technical and business model innovation to improve heat pumps as a value proposition for consumers.

Scottish Government Response

Heat pump technologies are mature, readily available on the market, and have already been demonstrated at scale. However, we believe there is scope for innovation of green heat technologies to help build Scotland's competitive advantage, establish new Scottish supply chains, retain an increased proportion of spending through the Green Heat transition, as well as service a growing international market. We continue to promote innovation within the sector and will continue to provide support via a number of programmes.

As outlined in our response to recommendation 2, we have implemented a new Green Heat Innovation Support Programme through our enterprise agencies, which will make up to £17.6 million available over this parliament to support industry in finding solutions which make green heating technologies easier to deploy, improve integration with the Scottish building stock, enhance efficiency and reduce operational and embodied carbon emissions. Further details on this programme can be found within our Supply Chains Delivery Plan.

In August, Scottish Enterprise also launched the Green Heat Accelerator[15]; a 12 week programme of activities for fast growing start-ups and SMEs in the Green Heat sector. The programme aims to help businesses to grow and explore new businesses through workshops, events, networking and mentoring.



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