
Heat Pump Sector Deal Expert Advisory Group: Scottish Government response

The Expert Advisory Group was formed to make recommendations to Scottish Ministers on the scope of a potential Heat Pump Sector Deal for Scotland. This publication outlines our response to the recommendations made in their final report.

Recommendation 2

Scotland's enterprise agencies should work with industry to support Scotland as a global centre of excellence for heat pump manufacture.

Scottish Government Response

We have the ambition for Scotland to be a global centre for excellence in heat pump manufacturing and to harness this opportunity we must build a resilient supply chain. We are working with our enterprise agencies to develop a programme of support which ensures that we do this and support the creation of green jobs and economic growth.

In October 2022, Scottish Enterprise (SE) launched the 'Green Heat Hub Grand Challenge'[5]. This challenge invites consortia to develop proposals for a 'Green Heat Hub' which will act as a focal point for collaboration, innovation and inward investment across the Green Heat supply chain and to help position Scotland as a leading location for Green Heat manufacturing.

To position Scotland as leader in Green Heat we must support Scottish companies to respond to innovation challenges. Through SE we have established a new Green Heat Innovation Support Programme. This 4-year programme will make a total of up to £17.6 million in support available over the course of this parliament through a variety of channels to support innovation, research & development and collaboration. This will be delivered across Scotland with support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and South of Scotland Enterprise (SoSE).

Networking and collaboration are an essential component of any thriving, innovative and fast-growing sector. Earlier this year, Scottish Enterprise along with Highlands and Islands Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise, appointed Built Environment - Smarter Transformation (BE-ST) to establish and operate a collaborative knowledge hub to help bring together knowledge, partners and resources from across the industry in order to help ready the sector for our net zero targets. This hub, known as HeatSource[6], was launched in June 2022.

HeatSource will run for an initial 18-month period and will support the growth of the heat 'ecosystem' into a network; connecting stakeholders and increasing collaboration opportunities.



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