
Heat Pump Sector Deal Expert Advisory Group: Scottish Government response

The Expert Advisory Group was formed to make recommendations to Scottish Ministers on the scope of a potential Heat Pump Sector Deal for Scotland. This publication outlines our response to the recommendations made in their final report.

Recommendation 5

The Scottish Government should create a definitive 'market moment' for heat pumps by clearly signalling the end point for conventional fossil fuel heating systems.

Scottish Government Response

The Scottish Government is committed to introducing regulations (where possible within our legal competence) to ensure that all buildings use zero emissions heating (and cooling) systems by 2045.

Ahead of then, we will legislate to phase out the need to install new or replacement fossil fuel boilers from 2025, subject to technological developments and decisions by the UK Government in reserved areas. Subject to consultation, these regulations will apply at certain trigger points, with a backstop of 2045 for all remaining buildings. We will be consulting on these proposals in the coming year, and will introduce primary legislation thereafter (subject to limits on devolved competence) that will provide the regulatory framework for zero emissions heating and energy efficiency, and underpinning powers to support this transition and ambitious programme.



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