
Costs of learning: student funding guide 2019 to 2020

Funding guide for learners and students including those going to college or university.

Part-time Further Education


Most students studying part-time and on distance learning courses will have to pay tuition fees. However, if you receive certain benefits, are on a low income or are disabled you may be eligible for free tuition.

If you are 16 or over, have a personal income of £22,000 a year or less and are not already engaged in Scottish Government funded learning or training, you may qualify for an Individual Training Account (ITA). This means you could get up to £200 a year towards the cost of some courses. For more information on the full eligibility criteria and the courses which ITA can be used to support visit

Living costs

You cannot get a maintenance bursary if you are a part-time student in further education. However, from 1 January 2016, students on part-time non-advanced college courses may be eligible for an Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA). Also, if you will face financial difficulties as a result of going to your course, you should discuss this with your college.

If you are not working but studying part-time you may still qualify for Universal Credit, as long as you can show that you're still available and are looking for work. The number of hours you can study depends on your age. You may also still be able to receive other benefits. If this applies to you contact your local Jobcentre Plus office (their details are in your local phone book).

Help for your dependants

Childcare costs

If you are a part-time student you are also one of the priority groups eligible for childcare support. Colleges have a Childcare Fund which they use to help you pay for registered childcare.

Extra help

You may also be eligible for support towards appropriate study and travel expenses, as well as the Additional Support Needs for Learning Allowance.

You may also be able to get some financial help from the Discretionary Fund.

Part-time Further Education

Please contact your college for more information and to find out what help you may be able to get.



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