Planning Performance: High Level Group minutes - June 2024

Note of the Planning Performance: High Level Group meeting that took place on 19 June 2024.

Attendees and apologies


  • Ivan McKee MSP (Chair), Minister for Public Finance
  • Cllr Gail Macgregor, COSLA Spokesperson for Environment and Economy
  • Ian Aikman, Heads of Planning Scotland (Outgoing Chair), Scottish Borders Council
  • Pamela Clifford, Heads of Planning Scotland (Incoming Chair), East Ayrshire Council)
  • Rob McIntosh, SOLAR, Aberdeenshire Council
  • Jenny Munro, Royal Town Planning Institute
  • Peter Noad Key Agencies Group, Scottish Enterprise,
  • Craig McLaren, National Planning Improvement Champion
  • Susan Rintoul, National Planning Improvement Support Officer
  • Johanna Boyd, Planning Aid Scotland
  • Stuart Salter, Applicant Stakeholder Group, Geddes Consulting
  • Calum Lindsay, COSLA
  • Fiona Simpson, Scottish Government
  • Andy Kinnaird, Scottish Government
  • Suzanne Stephen, Scottish Government
  • Chris Sinclair, Scottish Government
  • Maisie Bennett, Scottish Government


  • Paul Macari, SOLACE, Aberdeenshire Council

Items and actions

Welcome and opening remarks  

The Minister welcomed everyone to the in person meeting and acknowledged the central role of planning to a number of Government priorities.

Minutes of previous meeting and action points

An update was provided to the group on the action points from the previous meeting. The Chief Planner updated the group that the scoping meeting of a short life working group on proportionality of planning assessments will take place next week.

Investing in Planning – a consultation on resourcing Scotland’s planning system

SG officials provided an overview of the emerging themes from the Investing in Planning consultation, and members of the group who responded were thanked for their contributions. Analysis is ongoing, but two proposals which emerged as priorities across respondent groups were the implementation of a planning hub, and an annual inflationary fee increase. A full analysis will be published soon alongside the responses. SG officials will update the group once this has been done, particularly in relation to the next steps. The importance of collaborative and joined up working was emphasized, to share best practice, dispel myths about planning, and to avoid the duplication of work.

  • SG officials to provide further update once analysis is completed and to outline next steps and action

Applicant Stakeholder Group – priority issue

An update was provided from the Applicant Stakeholder Group (ASG) following the judgement by the Court of Session on 3rd May 2024 on the Miller Homes Ltd case. It was suggested that this decision, alongside current progress with post-NPF4 local development plans, could prevent new housing allocations until 2028. The ASG suggested that further guidance from Scottish Government would be useful. It was confirmed that a joint Ministerial and Chief Planner letter would be issued very soon.  

Masterplan Consent Areas were also discussed as a potentially helpful tool, and it was noted that while they can be resource intensive, their benefits are measurable particularly when collaboration with developers is involved.

Update from National Planning Improvement Champion

The National Planning Improvement Champion (NPIC) provided the group with an update on progress with cohort 1 undertaking the National Planning Improvement Framework (NPIF). Peer review meetings are ongoing, but the positive tone and spirit of collaboration was noted. Issues relating to resources, communication, validation and proportionality have been common issues across the cohort. The immediate priorities for the NPIC will be working on establishing networks for improvement leads, with a focus on sharing learning and best practice, and the creation of a customer stakeholder survey. The survey will collect data that is consistent across authorities similar to that done by Building Standards, focusing on assisting authorities to identify areas for improvement.

  • NPIC to give update on progress of NPIF at next High Level Group meeting

HOPS – Planning Fee income

Heads of Planning Scotland provided an update on planning fee income. Whilst data sets were not complete, and there is variation between authorities, results generally show that fee income is at a similar level as five years ago, despite fee increases in 2022.

Any other business and date of next meeting 

The next meeting will take place in person on Thursday 12 September from 10:00 – 11:30am.

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