
High pressure laminate cladding - data collection: summary report

Report on a data collection exercise to establish the extent of the use of external high pressure laminate (HPL) cladding across a number of building sectors in Scotland.

3. Methodology

3.1 HPL data collection design

The data collection exercise utilised a spreadsheet to capture a range of information on the relevant buildings and the HPL cladding. The approach was subject to extensive data validation testing. Sequentially numbered, iterative draft versions of the HPL data collection questionnaire were developed for each of the sectors before the final published versions were issued to the respondents via appropriate distribution channels for each sector. For example, care homes were collected via the Care Inspectorate's registered care homes contacts.

Sector specific requirements are set out in table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Relevant building height and size factor for the different sectors
Sector Building height Floor area Data collection
Care homes Any height Over 200 m2 Via Care Inspectorate contacts
Colleges of further education and universities Any height Any size Via the Scottish Funding Council to individual institutions
High-rise domestic buildings Over 18 m Any size Via the relevant local authorities
Hotels Over 18 m Any size Via SFRS fire risk contacts
Independent schools Any height Over 500 m2 Via Scottish Government policy area
Local Authority Schools Any height Over 500 m2 Via Scottish Government policy area and local authorities
Health buildings Any height Any size Via Health Facilities Scotland
Prisons Any height Any size The Scottish Prison Service

There were 19 questions as part of the data collection exercise, which are given in table 3.2.

Table 3.2: Question set for the HPL data collection exercise

  • 1. Is HPL external wall cladding installed on the building?
  • 2. In which local authority is the building located?
  • 3. Who is responsible for the structure of the building?
  • 4. What is the building address?
  • 5. What is the building type?
  • 6. What is the date of the building warrant application for installation of the external cladding with HPL panels?
  • 7. Approximately when was the building completed?
  • 8. What is the height of the floor of the topmost storey above ground level in metres?
  • 9. How many storeys above ground level are in the building?
  • 10. If applicable, what is the total number of residential units in the building?
  • 11. 11 a. i. What is the fire classification of the HPL panels?
    • 11 a. ii. What is the manufacturer's expected lifespan of the HPL cladding from installation?
  • 12. Are there any insulation materials exposed in the external wall cavity?
  • 13. If Yes to Question 12, please identify the type of exposed insulation material?
  • 14. What evidence has been provided to demonstrate compliance of the cladding system with Building Regulations?
  • 15. What is the relative total external wall area covered by the HPL cladding panels?
  • 16. Have you carried out a fire risk assessment on the cladding system?
  • 17. If Yes to Question 16, has any remedial action been identified by the fire risk assessment?
  • 18. If Yes to Question 17, please specify the remedial action identified by the fire risk assessment?
  • 19. If Yes to Question 17, please specify the timescale for remedial action/work?

3.2 HPL data collection questionnaire

Each of the sector specific versions of the HPL data collection questionnaire comprised two worksheets as follows:

  • Guidance - includes background and data protection/processing information, instructions and guidance to assist the respondents to answer the listed questions in the HPL data collection return worksheet.
  • Data return sheet - HPL data return and HPL data return information tables to be completed, as applicable, by the respondents and submitted to the Scottish Government. Each of the sector specific versions of the HPL data collection questionnaire were issued along with a corresponding sector specific cover letter that detailed the criteria applied to each building sector.

3.2.1 HPL data collection return - nil return

An HPL data collection return - nil return - was an individually or centrally submitted return document completed by a respondent that does not have or record external HPL cladding installed in any single building. HPL data nil returns from the respondents in each sector were submitted either individually for single buildings or collectively for a range of buildings.

3.2.2 HPL data collection return - positive return

An HPL data collection return - positive return was an individually or centrally submitted return document completed by a respondent that does have and records external HPL cladding installed in any single building. HPL data positive returns from the respondents in each sector were submitted either individually for single buildings or collectively for a range of buildings.

The HPL data collection differs from the preceding high rise inventory (HRI) data collection, which will be added to and maintained on a recurring annual basis, in that it is a snapshot of the buildings that it collected data on between January 2020 to February 2021. The HPL data collection is linked to the HRI data collection, which collected data on high rise domestic buildings (HRDBs) across Scotland with a floor level equal to or greater than 18 meters in height. The HRI data was used to prepopulate the HPL data collection questionnaire for that sector prior to it being issued to the nine local authorities in Scotland that have HRDBs located within their respective geographic areas.



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