High Rise Inventory: summary report

The High Rise Inventory (HRI) provides information on the construction and fire safety of high rise domestic buildings.

Annex A

HRI Questionnaire


Where the provision of data highlights an issue with the building then it is the responsibility of the building owner to undertake remedial action. If, through analysis of this data, the Scottish Government becomes aware of the building issues which may be of interest to the relevant enforcement authorities then we may pass this on.

Updates are provided to the best awareness of those completing the ProcXed system.

Section 1 General Information Completion Rate (percentage)[9]
1.1 In what Local Authority is the building located? Drop down 32 local authorities 100%
1.2 Who is the building owner? Drop down options: LA; RSL; private 100%
1.3 What is the building address? Split by Address line, city, post code 100% (where at least a building name, first line of address or post code was given)
Section 2 Building Information
2.1 When was the building completed? Drop down: options by decade from 1950s-2010s (this format matches the original inventory) 99%
2.2 What is the estimated remaining lifespan of the building? Drop down, 5 year increments from 0 to 100+. i.e. 0,5,10,…100+ 79%
2.3 What is the height of the floor of the topmost storey above ground level in metres? Field for direct entry, limited to whole values from 18+. 98%
2.4 How many storeys above ground level are in the building? Field for direct entry, limited to whole values 100%
2.5 What is the total number of flats in the building? Field for direct entry, limited to whole values 100%
Section 3: Construction
3.1 What is the construction type of the building? Multiple responses checkbox, with notes option where specified: 1. LPS – concrete 2. LPS - Solid cross-lam timber 3. LPS – cassette 4. LPS - Structural insulated Panels 5. Concrete frame 6. Steel frame 7. Other (specify in notes) 99%
3.1.1 If this is an LPS-type building, does it have a mains gas supply?? Yes / No 87%
3.2 Does the building have rendered External Wall Insulation (EWI)? Yes / No 99%
3.3 Does the building have any Aluminium Composite Panels Yes / No 100%
3.3.1 If yes, please identify type Multiple response checkbox options, with notes option where specified: 1. Polyethylene (PE) 2. Fire retardant (FR) 3. A2 Limited combustibility 4. Other (specify in notes) 98%
3.4 Does the building have any other type of external wall panels? Yes / No 98%
3.4.1 If yes, please identify type Multiple response checkbox options, with notes option where specified: 1. Masonry infill panels 2. Other metal composite panels 3. High pressure laminate boards 4. Stone 5. Slate 6. Granite 7. Terracotta Tiles 8. Solid Metal Panels 9. Rainscreen Insulation Board 10. Zinc 11. Concrete Panel 12. Other (specify in notes) 97%
3.5 Are there any insulation materials exposed in the external wall cavity? Yes / No 97%
3.5.1 If yes, please identify type Multiple response checkbox options, with notes option where specified: 1. Expanded polystyrene 2. Polyisocyanurate foam 3. Stone Wool 4. Phenolic foam 5. Other (specify in notes) 88%
Section 4: Fire Safety
4.1 How many escape stairs does the building have? Enter whole number 100%
4.2 Are fire doors fitted to flat entrances? Yes - all / Yes - partial / No 97%
4.2.1 If no, please provide more details 94%
4.3 Are fire doors fitted to escape stairs? Yes - all / Yes - partial / No 100%
4.3.1 If no, please provide more details 92%
4.4 Are there any outstanding defects that have been highlighted by SFRS through their operational assurance visits?* Yes / No *This information will also be requested from SFRS
4.4.1 If yes, please provide more details Free text
4.5 Is the building fitted with sprinklers or another form of automatic fire suppression? (note this does not include portable/ personal automatic fire suppression equipment) Yes / No 99%
4.5.1 If yes, please indicate type of system Multiple response checkbox options, with notes option where specified: 1. Sprinkler 2. Mist 3. Other (specify in notes) 100%
4.5.2 If yes, please indicate locations where this suppression is installed. Multiple response checkbox options, with notes option where specified: 1. Flats 2. Common corridors and stairwells 3. Bin store 4. Refuse chute 5. Other (specify in notes) 100%


Email: karen.coyne@gov.scot

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