
Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: partial BRIA

The partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) presents an initial assessment of the potential costs, benefits and risks of introducing HPMAs and their potential impacts on public, private or third sectors.

14. Summary and recommendation

It is proposed that the HPMA Policy Framework and Site Selection Guidelines will be adopted and new powers will be sought for Scottish Ministers to designate HPMAs in Scottish inshore waters. A five-stage site selection process should be conducted, as set out in the Site Selection Guidelines, followed by a network level assessment, to select and assess a suite of HPMAs, as defined in the Policy Framework. Subject to consultation, Scottish Ministers should then formally designate HPMAs covering at least 10% of inshore and offshore waters by 2026.

14.1. Summary costs and benefits table

Option 1

Total benefit per annum:

  • economic, environmental, social


Total cost per annum:

  • economic, environmental, social
  • policy and administrative


Option 2

Option 3

Option 4



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